The first 30 are gone!

  • Today I finally hit 335, down 30 pounds from my heaviest. That's a little more than 8% of my body weight GONE. I'm 5 pounds under where I was when I got pregnant with my oldest! Bye, baby weight. Now let's get rid of the "life weight," lol.
  • Excellent, Sonata! (Pretty name, by the way). You've reached a really nice milestone--congrats!
  • Well done, Sonata! Keep up the excellent work!


  • Congrats!
  • Great job!
  • Yay, Sonata - WAY TO GO!

    Congrats on the success so far - those 30 pounds are history, baby and you're that much closer to your goal - how great is that?!

    Success breeds success - so reaching this milestone will certainly help you to keep going, knowing that you can do this and see real results. Thanks for sharing - it's fun to celebrate with you - and your victory inspires the rest of us to stay on track, too!

    Keep up the good work - we'll all be here to cheer you on!

  • Congrats!
  • Great job!
  • Way to Go!!!
  • That is a great accomplishment! Keep it up and congrats!
  • Thanks ladies, you guys are great!
  • Way to go!!!