Getting close to stabilization and self-sabatoging!!!

  • I am 10 lbs away from goal and keep making bad choices. Has anyone else done this and how did you deal with it. Also, if anyone else is going through this maybe we can help each other.
  • I'm with you girl.... I don't know what to say. I have no explaination as to WHY I felt it was ok to eat those doritos; but oops they fell into my mouth and I couldn't stop chewing. I even stole a few fries from my kid's happy meal but spit them out before I committed to it. I don't know what to do to make it stop. It's ok during the week, but on the weekends... i'm in need of supervision apparently. <<heavy sigh>>
  • I can relate to the both of you. I was 7 lbs away from goal and on Saturday I weighed in and was 8 lbs away.2 weekend ago I ate popcorn at the movies with the kids and this weekend I had doritos, cake, lays chips and a piece of fried chicken. I don't seem to know what is going on. I think I only have 2 weeks left on plan so I really need to get it together. This week muy center is offering 2 weeks free if you come in 2 days this week and lose 1 lb after Thanksgiving. This week I plan on working out 2 times a day everyday this week to get myself back on track. So hopefully this will help to get those last 8 lbs off for goal or better yet the last 3 off for stabalization. So please let's encourage one another through this difficult time. Have an OP week and Holiday
  • i need weekend diet police, too! i hold it together perfectly all week but then the weekends just unravel me. ugh.
  • I am so proud!!! I've been having this same issue with cheating. I was at Walmart today getting some bottled water and I hadnt eaten lunch and I picked up a 3 musketeers. Then a reese's and then a skor bar debating. I knew better and I set them back and checked out. Then I came home and ate chicken and broccoli and an apple. *Sigh* I still want the sugar but I'm happy that I put it down. It's double hard right now because I'm quitting smoking too. My oral fixation needs satisfaction.....
  • I feel the same way. I was on another diet plan and was only a couple pounds away from my goal and guess what? It was a food fest that I couldn't get out of, hence the reason I am at MRC now. I think it is a mind thing. We really don't want the food, but our mind says we do so we just go with it.. When this happens to me, I tell myself, what good is going to come from me eating***,, will it make me feel better, maybe while I am eating it, then the guilt sinks in.. It is a mind game that we can win if we choose to. Right now my mind is telling me I need to have pie on Thanksgiving. No I don't need that pie and is all it is going to do is cause me to feel like crap afterwards. I want to get to my goal which is only 10 crummy pounds. I can do it, I made it this far without cheating and I sure don't want to have to explain to the gals at the center why I gained 5lbs over the weekend, although I am sure they know people are going to indulge. I figure why blow it now.. I am going to beat the mind game.
  • Hi, I am on stabilization and doing the same thing. It is not that I am trying to be bad but I am happy with my weight and tired of the diet. I am however trying to stay within reason but I know that if I want to get through this I have to get back on plan. So I am taking one day at a time, making sure that I weigh in and working out faithfully. We shall see. Wish that I had the answer for this one.
  • I have to join here too.

    Lost more than 50kg within 3 years and 10kg came back within DAYS....
  • I was wondering how everyone was doing since posting on here??? I have not lost anything since I started this post. I had hit 143 one day and have not seen it since. I have gone up and down between 144 and 147 and keep gaining and loosing the same few pounds. I know what I am doing wrong... eating off plan and not exercising but I just can't get back into it for more than a couple of days.

    If anyone knows a secret or has gone through this please help. I was supposed to go through the stabilization class this month but put it off till January because I want to be there mentally. Problem is I am not getting better. I have even stopped writing the bad stuff in my food journal so I am not being totally honest with my center either.

    HELP PLEASE!!!!!
  • I am still doing the same also, but I have decided to enjoy the holidays but not over do it and try to focus on my choices. So far I am maintaining. I went to weigh in today and told them honestly what I am doing and that after Christmas I am going to get back onto stabilization with focus. They agreed that what I am doing is fine because my weight is staying put. I just mentally needed the break. I am hoping that once the holidays are over I will be back in the frame of mind to really get back on plan. I will say that I am working out regularly to offset the eatting.
  • This is a hard time of year to try to stabilize. I haven't done well with it in terms of sticking to the plan. I go up and down 2-3 pounds, but have been doing this consistently for several weeks. On one hand, it's encouraging because I am 'maintaining'...I'm not going crazy at all, but I'm eating things that aren't on plan, which is exactly what 'real life' is. I'm not sticking to the exact foods, quantities and timing like I should to really do stabilization correctly. I've also decided to get through Christmas and then I'll get back to really sticking to the 'letter' of the stabilization plan. I decided to pick up my exercise to at least 4, hopefully 5, days a week. I had dropped to about 3 days a week. This will help with any extra calories and I'm hoping help me get down to about 135. I think mentally I'm okay with hanging around this 2-3 pound range through the holidays and then pushing hard again after the 1st of the year. In the past I've always started the year with a 'health' resolution, so this year it will be put my nose back to the grindstone to finish stabilization correctly.

    Maybe talking honestly with your center would help you? Maybe they can offer suggestions or reassurance, or maybe a kick in the pants if that's what you need! You've done so well. The main thing is don't let this begin to slide into more pounds and don't lose sight of a 'plan' to get to your goal. Good luck to you and everyone, including me, struggling with those last...really hard to budge...pounds.
  • Yep, ditto what everyone said.. Same here.. I am so busy that I am not getting my meals on time, and getting all the water in just isn't happening.. I only needed to lose 7 more pounds but because of the miss timed meals and such I am up 1.5 pounds and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.. Not sure what to do here.. Just tell the center tomorrow I guess and see what they say. My contract is up Monday so I am sure they are going to make me re sign to lose the last bit of weight..

    I am starting to hate the holidays..

  • I'm hanging in there ok. Since my earlier post, I hit a plateau that lasted a couple of weeks, but then last week I started losing again at a steady pace. I have been bad at getting in any exercise, in fact I haven't been to the gym since before Halloween. But, I have been religious about getting in all my water and hns's so that's probably been helpful. Now I'm within striking distance of my goal and I'm self sabatoging again (eating more than the recommended amounts, i.e. 6 oz of chicken instead of 4, or 8 melba toasts instead of 4). Thankfully I haven't gone off plan, but all those holiday treats are killing me! I just want to scarf down everything but I refuse to. Now I'm heading into that pre-TOM week so the urge to eat everything in sight is going to be even stronger. We'll see how it goes.....

    ~Carla B.
  • I had a bad night last night. I babysat my friends 2 year old and basically ate a bunch of what I was craving: fries, cheese its, ice cream, peanut butter, chocolate, cookies. I can honestly say the only thing that was good was the coffee flavored hagen daz ice cream. I felt horrible last night and today but I was expecting that and now its making me regret what I did. I am going to do the best I can until christmas when I have given myself the day off program. I also just need to go to the gym. The battle is getting there, after that I am gung ho!!!
  • This is exactly what happened to me. I got 20 lbs away from goal (after losing 65) and started cheating. It was just a little here and there, then it was weekends off - and then I met my fiance' and things just went down quickly (dinners out, grabbing fast food because it was easy). Now, I am back where I started. My advice is to not let it get out of control. I never thought that I would lose control of the situation - I was just so PLEASED with myself and in love with my man. But the pounds slip back on slowly so keep that in mind as you near goal. DO the stabilization exactly like they tell you - i know too many people who tried to skip it and are paying the price.