• After two weeks of losing just one lb - I had my whoosh!! Down to 177.8 which was really down 4.6 lbs but I haven't been really keeping track of the .whatever lol So I rounded up and went with an even 4 lbs lost this week!

    Yeahaw!! Feels great - I did the happy dance and woke my DH lol
  • SWEET!

    I need a whoosh, too!
  • Yeaaaaaaaaah!
  • That is awesome!

  • I need a whoosh - I did non stop physical activity for 3 weeks (literally while reorganising the bedrooms here, putting up beds, etc.) but the scales didn't go down any extra so I'm sure I am due a whoosh! Haven't had one for a while.
  • Cool!
  • Great! Aren't whooshes wonderful???
  • Awesome!
  • Nice!
  • TYTY everyone! Definitely helps to get you back into focus!! Too bad they dont' happen more often lol Gotta take advantage of the ones that do! It has helped motivate me again and make me think YES I can DO THIS! lol
  • Good for you!!