Weight loss is a thing to celebrate no matter how small it is.

  • It doesn't matter if I step on the scale and see a 2-3 lb loss or a 1 lb loss, I still do a happy dance and sing every time. I think my family thinks I'm crazy.

    I'm down one more pound!

  • Go hypnodat, go!

    I was down a glorious two this morning too!! It feels great!
  • I agree!

    And Congrats
  • It's like finding pennies. Eventually they'll add up to something.

    And to think some people will pick up pennies only if they're on heads. I don't care if they're on heads, tails or on their side or even bent. I'll pick them all up.
  • I agree as well! Every pound lost is a fantastic achievement. It's not easy to lose weight, and we should definitely be proud of ourselves for every bit we are able to lose, not just for achieving goals.
  • Thanks for the reminder!
  • Me Too!!! It's been almost 30 days and I"ve been staying OP every meal and not a thing changed, I was getting so discouraged. The consultants kept asking me if it had taken any BLT's (bites, licks, tastes) everytime I went in for WI. I was getting tired of saying no - =( believe me, please. It finally started to decline on Sunday - I'm so EXCITED. I will go to any lengths - to stay OP & eat healthy. Thanks for being here.
  • I always try to remember that one pound is like four sticks of butter. Any loss is a celebration.

    I must admit it's somtimes hard to be willing to accept that scale number when you really think you deserve a different number than is on the scale. It's all part of the process, I think.
  • Quote: I always try to remember that one pound is like four sticks of butter. Any loss is a celebration.

    I must admit it's somtimes hard to be willing to accept that scale number when you really think you deserve a different number than is on the scale. It's all part of the process, I think.
    Every time I hear that I think it sounds so gross! But then I think about the fact that I have about 520 sticks of butter that I want to lose.
    But so far I have lost 60 sticks of butter, that's about 45 bucks.
  • Quote: I always try to remember that one pound is like four sticks of butter. Any loss is a celebration.
    Thanks, Beverlyjoy, for the great reminder! I sometimes get *a little* disappointed if my loss is 0.25 lbs...but from now on I'll just tell myself that "I lost a stick of butter" and that is an accomplishment and DOES count for something!!