lite mayo

  • Is it acceptable? Book says LF but this has 3.5 fat grams? Asking for a friend who started SB but not hooked with 3FC. Thanks.
  • You can have the full-fat mayonnaise, so why even bother with the lowfat version? Most lowfat versions contain more sugar and other artificial ingredients and added chemicals, which we want to avoid.
    The rule of thumb for fats and dressings is to look for something that has less than 3 grams of sugar per serving.
  • thanks so much..I appreciate it .... .
  • I don't bother with the LF version. I'm in England and the only choices we have here for LF mayo contain a lot of sugar and other fillers that I don't want.

    I'm with Cottage here. Choose the full fat version but watch the sugar.