NSV-resisting temptation!

  • Last night I went out with some friends. Normally on a night like this, I would have already eaten a bunch of food beforehand. I would have gone to the bar and when my friend ordered a chicken tender basket (like she did last night) I would have ordered one as well. I would have had a few drinks (although not many, it is a weeknight!). And I would have come home and eaten some more food before going to bed.

    But last night, I didn't give in to temptation! I had a healthy dinner before I left. When my friend ordered her food, I said I had already eaten and wasn't hungry. She said I could have some of her food, but I didn't even touch it (and this is like, one of my favorite meals, sometimes I do plan it in my day, but I didn't want to do that). I had a few drinks (but I had counted them in my day, and this normally isn't a problem for me). Then I came home and went straight to bed!

    As I laid in bed, I felt some type of evil spirit take over me, and I wanted to eat everything in my fridge. This is weird, because normally once I get under the covers, I don't have the urge to eat anymore. I think resisting so much earlier that evening lowered my defenses. I almost got out of bed to eat (and I would have eaten a lot), but I didn't. I told myself I could eat whatever I wanted tomorrow. I told myself I could go to the store and buy donuts and chips and pasta if I just didn't eat tonight. And I didn't! (Although there were definitely tears--I felt sooo pathetic!)

    I woke up this morning, and the evil spirit seems to be gone, so no need for the trip to the grocery store to get the donuts, chips, and pasta. I hope it stays away!
  • Awesome! Way to go!
  • Ohhh! Great job! How good does THAT feel?
  • Nice job!! I totally understand how hard it is sometimes and to be able to resist it...super!! Keep up the good work.
  • You did awesome conquering your temptation and the evil spirit. You should be VERY proud of yourself!
  • Nice job Paris....remember the old saying, "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
  • Thanks guys! It does feel really good to have resisted when I was so incredibly tempted. I seriously can't remember that last time I fought so hard not to eat, and it makes my victory even sweeter!

    Yweight-I love your screen name!
  • Way to go!!!
  • You must be feeling sooo good today. Thats a huge victory for you.
  • Hooray!!
  • That is so awesome! Way to go girl!!
  • You ROCK!!!
  • Thanks so much everyone! You're all so sweet!
  • GREAT accomplishment Paris! Congrats on kicking the evil spirit in the head!