Another sugarholic..

  • My name's Ashley and I'm a sugarholic, to the max. Within the past year, it's gotten completely out of control. At first I brushed it off as a sweet tooth, but I finally realized that it is a full-fledged addiction. I can't recall the last day that I went without eating ice cream, and that's no joke. Oftentimes I pick up cookie dough and convince myself I'll make it for my family but deep down I know that it's for me. I need help, big time. It's hard for me, especially when I have the support of my boyfriend who is constantly insisting that I'm perfect as I am.. of course, he was saying that 60 pounds ago. I need to get ahold of this addiction.
  • I am a sugar addict too. Not only I have constant sugar cravings, I can have huge amount of sweet items and still crave for more. I can easily gulp down 8-10 chocolate cookies and ask for more.

    I too am having hard time controlling myself, but am trying to get up every time I fall and start afresh. The only good thing is that I can tolerate artificial sweeteners, and am trying to use them to subdue my sugar cravings.

    I know I have to slowly get over this sugar addiction. Baby steps
  • I am new here and am entering my first day of no sugar. I worry too but as long as we have the positive support around us, we can do it! If you want a buddy, Im here! There are strength in numbers
  • Dollface- I am a super sugar addict as well. I eat a lot of fruit and I still feel so deprived from sweets. Growing up my family called me the sugar queen.

    Nursie2b- NO SUGAR?? Not even fruit and natural sugars?? I would die.
  • ajowens: I am cutting out refined sugar to see how my body feels. Someone had suggested it in a previous post and I thought I would try it.
  • Hey ladies...I too am totally addicted to sweets..been living on them for my whole am trying to get my hypothyroidism under control and my sugar addiction halted.
  • I am going through the same thing. I am addicted to sugar in a bad, bad way. I go a day without something sweet and I feel sick. I get a terrible headache, and the shakes. Plus I am so tired and worn down all the time. I also have hypothyroidism. I am ready, and need to, get this under control!
  • Hi ash, I'm a sugarholic too Trying hard to get sugar off my diet but its so freakin hard! I'm totally messed up!
  • Quote: Dollface- I am a super sugar addict as well. I eat a lot of fruit and I still feel so deprived from sweets. Growing up my family called me the sugar queen.

    Nursie2b- NO SUGAR?? Not even fruit and natural sugars?? I would die.

    What fruits do you take? I mean I've heard that banana's not good, so is apple the only option available? Which ones do you take?
  • Hey ladies- I'm a total sugarholic, loving chocolate milk and all things ice cream (and wine, eek!). Today I was good, I had a piece of bday cake a lunch (office party) and I went to get another piece but instead had some of the yogurt I brought as a snack.

    katie & dollface- i eat an apply everyday, so hopefully they're still good.