Link to your 3FC blog on comments.

  • I've noticed that when some people comment on my blog, their name is actually a link to their 3FC blog. Is there some way I can do that too, or is there some prerequisite? What's the deal with that?
  • Edited to say that I was wrong - let me try something and I'll get right back to you.
  • Quote: I've noticed that when some people comment on my blog, their name is actually a link to their 3FC blog. Is there some way I can do that too, or is there some prerequisite? What's the deal with that?
    I'd really like an answer to this. Can someone please answer it.
  • If you are logged in, it should happen automatically
  • Quote: If you are logged in, it should happen automatically
    But it doesn't. I'm logged in and when I post a comment it says my name "beautyandthebeast" but it isn't a link. Do you know why this may be?
  • Would you mind sending me a link to the blog where this happened? You can send it by PM if you prefer
  • Quote: Would you mind sending me a link to the blog where this happened? You can send it by PM if you prefer
    Ok thanks. Here is a link to my blog and a post which has some comments on. You will notice that the two people commenting on my post both have links but in my reply I do not. This is not just on my blog but on any blog that I comment on and I comment quite a lot. It always happens like this, no link.
  • When you're logged in to your blog, go to your admin page and choose the users tab on the right.

    Once you past the url of your blog into website under the contact info, your name will be a link each time you leave a comment.
  • Thanks Heidi! I didn't know that