Binge-free challenge ~ July 20 - 26

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  • Bucket I worry about any eating that is unconscious or uncontrollable in me. I do also take note of when I overeat and why but if that "binge buzz/haze" is not in my head it makes it easier to move past it and not do it again. Sometimes like you said its out of habit/boredom or bcos you let yoruself get too hungry (or denied yourself smthg) that you overeat.

    Mere - I think the last pics you posted you were roughly the same weight you are now and you are piositively deliciously gorgeously skinny!!!! Having said that, you WILL get to whatever weight you are comfortable at. I know that is more important than the number or the fact that no one around you would be able to tell you have gained ANY weight. But you need to feel good in your own skin.

    Jen - well done in not letting the scale rule your day! It is so easy to get used to its validation. I have been loving its results the past 3 weeks of get my head outta my arse recommitment, but snuck on today and did not like what I saw! grrrrrr

    On me. I am eating far too much cheese at the moment. Not out of control madness but I have been particularly hungry the past few days so I will need to up my lean protein at dinner time I think.

    I woke up feeling like a whale and realised that TOM is on the way too. I have horrid mood swings (directed at self usually) around this time so this month am going to just accept it, watch it and not give into it.
  • Hi there! Hope it's ok if I join! I feel like I am reading my own thoughts when I read this thread....I have always hidden my binges and always feel so alone like I am the only one in the world who struggles with it everyday....

    I have been bingeing off and on for the past 6 years....trying to make it more off than on! I know some of you have a 30 day binge-free challenge....I'd love to do one myself

    Today is day 2 (after about a month straight of binges almost every miserable, yet I keep doing it...). Here's to a solid day 3 tomorrow!

    Thanks for letting me join; hope to get to 'know' some of you; you all have already helped me, maybe eventually I can be of use too!
  • Hello ladies! It looks like I need you now more then ever and it seems like I should participate more! Geez. I'm a slacker in general.

    Today is day #2 for me. I'm in the 200s again. I totally over did it over my birthday and the days before/after.
  • I am having a great week so far, haven't even had any real urges to binge...
    I have to stay in control though because I know every single day is different and tomorrow I may want to eat everything in sight.

    Best wishes to everyone else this week.
  • How do I start? All my good intentions have gone in a frenzy of binging. I need to be here in this Binge-free challenge.

    I started calorie counting 7 days ago, or should I say I planned to calorie count 7 days ago, in reality I've had a couple of days of being over strict ie 500-600 calories per day and the other 5 days have been spent cramming as much food into me as is physically possible. Needless to say when I stood in the scales this morning I've gained 2lb.

    Starting from right now I'm going to try to remember to think before I eat anything unless it's on my official daily menu.

  • I am starting over ... again. Today *will* be day 1.
  • WardHog, I'm with you that today *will* be day 1. I got rid of the triggers in my house yesterday and I am committing bright and early (8am) to eat with intention today.

    Chloeone, I don't know if you read my previous posts from last week's challenge, but I am trying to be get a grip after months of binges (I had a month long binge in June because it was my birth month. Not birthday dinner for celebrating, an entire month.) Gained back all the weight I have lost in the last 12 months. But today is a new start and we have support.

    Meals are planned, I have a busy day. Today should work out well if I stick to the plan.
  • God, I'm so stressed. I am facing issues with requirements for my nursing program and it is MAJORLY stressing me out--and I haven't even started classes yet!

    I can't even go near the kitchen. I know that will set me up for a fall. At least I got adequate rest. The scale also came down again today--so I'm determined not to screw that up!
  • day 1 for me after about 4 motns of binging and putting on 4 lbs ewwwwww but today im doing ok. just about to go for walk/bike ride wooop xx
  • chudge, you took accountability for the binge by stating that the binging caused you to gain 4lbs. And now you are here. GREAT JOB. You can do this.
  • Thinking of deleting my last message, yes things are that bad.
  • Its never too late to start Nicki!!!! Just wipe off the crumbs, go get yourself some water to flush out all the food and post some more to get it all out (if you are comfortable) or journal somewhere offline. Dont wait for a new day, just make better choices from this minute. Just focus on getting through this moment. Thinking too far ahead can be overwhelming. . . the fact that you are trying means that you are still conscious and that is a great thing. Hugs to you.
  • This is from alcoholics anonymous but it seems to fit most addictions . . . the first paragraph is on my wall at work.

    Just for Today

    Just for today, I will try to live through this day only,
    and not tackle my whole life problem
    at once. I can do something for twelve hours
    that would appall me if I felt that I had to
    keep it up for a lifetime.

    Just for today, I will be happy. This assumes to
    be true what Abraham Lincoln said, that
    "most folks are as happy as they make up
    their minds to be."

    Just for today, I will try to strengthen my mind.
    I will study. I will learn something useful.
    I will not be a mental loafer. I will read
    something that requires effort, thought and

    Just for today, I will adjust myself to what is,
    and not try to adjust everything to my own
    desires. I will take my "luck" as it comes,
    and fit myself to it.

    Just for today, I will exercise my soul in three
    ways: I will do somebody a good turn, and
    not get found out. I will do at least two
    things I don't want to--just for exercise.
    I will not show anyone that my feelings are
    hurt; they may be hurt, but today I will not
    show it

    Just for today, I will be agreeable. I will look
    as well as I can, dress becomingly, talk low,
    act courteously, criticize not one bit, not
    find fault with anything and not try to improve
    or regulate anybody except myself.

    Just for today, I will have a program. I may not
    follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will
    save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision.

    Just for today, I will have a quiet half hour all
    by myself, and relax. During this half hour,
    sometime, I will try to get a better perspective
    of my life.

    Just for today, I will be unafraid. Especially I
    will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful,
    and to believe that as I give to the world, so
    the world will give to me.
  • Day #3 for me and I dropped that water weight, woo!

    WardHog & ebb&flow, good luck on day 1!
  • bucketwithapurpose - I totally know what you mean about overeating vs. binging... For me, a "binge" is accompanied by a desperate, bottomless feeling--where I just want to eat and eat and eat, but never actually feel FULL. Whereas overeating is more like, you just accidentally forget to be mindful of what you're putting in your mouth, so you give in to your "mouth hunger," i.e. Mmmm, this tastes really good... Oh sh*t, I just ate 10 slices of bread! Haha. It's *very* hard to tell the difference, because you never know when there might be some emotional stuff lurking below the surface that's making you binge, you know? Basically, I think it's a very fine line between the two, but I know I can always tell the difference for myself... Provided that I'm honest with myself, heh. So if you truly don't think it was a binge--I'd say it wasn't. Good question!

    Danni - Aww, I sooo don't even deserve a compliment like that, heh. But thank you--reading that certainly brightened my day a bit! And you're right, it's really all about feeling comfortable in my own skin... That's why, for the time being, I'm just trying to get back to 153 lbs rather than my old "goal," since I sat around that number for a really long time while I was still losing, and I know that it was around that point that I really started feeling more confident about the way I looked. Ideally, I guess I'd like to get below goal again, but even if I don't I hope I can at least figure out the range of weights where I feel most comfortable. If I'm gonna be doing the maintenance thing, I need to figure out where the "line" is so I know not to let myself cross it again, heh. Ps. Thank you for posting that poem; I almost teared up a little when I read it! Definitely relates to our situation...

    chloeone - Hey there! I think I was joining in with you with the constant binging for the past month or so, so hopefully we can help to prop each other up as we STOP binging now! Good luck, girly! Stay strong!

    WormwoodDoll - Hey girly!! Good to see you/hear from you/etc... I can definitely relate to how you are feeling right now, so here's to both of us getting back to our all-time lows. We can do it! (But you knew that... )

    Nicki54 - We have ALL been there, sweetie... ****, I am STILL "there" right with you (believe me), but you (we) have to stay strong!! I can definitely relate to your situation, too--when I'm NOT binging, I'm waaay too restrictive with what I eat, to the point where I barely even have the energy to walk around and I'm always freezing because I'm eating, like, NO fat. And then my body rebels because I'm obviously not feeding it enough (especially if I'm also exercising a lot while restricting), and before I know it, I'm cramming in thousands of calories of crap that I don't even LIKE... Whereas just a few hours earlier I might have turned down even the tiniest bite of my most favorite food. It really doesn't make any sense, right? But yeah, it certainly happens.

    Today is day 4, and I really am starting to feel stronger--and was *very* happy to be 3.6 lbs down from yesterday. And really, I'm starting to feel my attitude shifting back towards a healthier view of food... Of course, this means that I'm yoyoing back to the more restrictive side of my "cycle," which obviously isn't ideal, but it's gotta be better than binging! Especially since, in the past couple weeks, I probably consumed MORE than enough calories to live off of for a few restrictive days... Once I start feeling bingey again, I'll have to make sure I start eating more, heh. I just hate that it feels like I have to be "all or nothing"--either totally perfect and eating juuuust enough, OR binging blindly with total abandon. Ugh. I don't know when I developed that mindset, cuz I definitely didn't USED to feel that way, but whatever. I *am* getting stronger; I know it.