Im hopeful...

  • Well Im hanging in there still not below 300 yet but I know those stubborn lbs have been part of me for a long time and they want to stick calorie intake has been consistent...I just havent added the exercize yet I do have a job where Im walking all the time but Im going to go swimming or to curves and my commitment to myself is to buy the pass this Friday...have a great day everyone and thanks for being here........
  • I think this is great... you're making great progress!
  • Twoderville will be upon you sooner than you think. Just keep focusing on this meal and that exercise, and it will build on each other to build a healthier, leaner you. THank you for sharing your journey with us... it means a great deal to me.
  • You are doing great. Keep up the good work! It all takes time and Patience. you are doing wonderful. It will come off soon.
    Take care and congrats on the weight loss so far!!
  • You are doing great and you WILL see the two's VERY SOON!
  • You're doing a great job! You will be in the 200's in no time! Keep it up
  • You will get there in no time! You can do it!!
  • You're doing great; please be patient with yourself! You will be there before you know it.
  • You'll make it soon girlie!!!