"Dried Plums" for appetite control?

  • Prunes. Never tried them. Maybe I should give them a shot!


    US: Dried plums may cut appetite cravings

    Here’s a shocker: a study conducted by scientists from San Diego State University confirms that dried plums are more effective at suppressing the appetite than low fat snacks are.

    To clear up any confusion, dried plums are indeed what your grandmother used to call “prunes.” Several years ago, the California Plum Board requested a name change, as the connotations surrounding prunes are about as appetizing as castor oil.

    Back to the study. The team leading the research presented their findings at the 2009 Experimental Biology Meeting in New Orleans. The study was conducted by taking a group of women who had previously fasted, and providing them with a 238 calorie snack. One subset ate dried plums, one had low fat cookies, another had 238 calories’ worth of white bread, and the final group was given water. Two hours after the snacks, the women were presented with a meal and told to eat until they were satisfied.

    Satiety was significantly greater among the dried plum group versus the cookie group. In a similar trial, the scientists studied the effects of dried plums vs. cookies when it comes to lipids and bowel activity. Those who consumed the plums had healthier lipid and triglyceride levels, as well as healthier bowel habits. This is important, because by keeping the bowels working efficiently, harmful materials don’t adhere to the intestinal wall long enough to cause long term damage (WebMD.com).

    The researchers believe that dried plums work as an appetite suppressant by lowering glucose and/or by releasing appetite controlling hormones, both key aspects of appetite control.

    Not only are dried plums good for suppressing the appetite, they provide a concentrated amount of phenols, which are phytochemicals that help fight disease. Prevention.com reports that dried plums actually have higher phenol levels than fresh plums; a serving of fresh plums contains 150 mgs of phenols while their dried counterparts provide 528 mgs.

    And while the calories of dried plums are more concentrated than are those of fresh plums, the satiating factor newly associated with them seems to make up for that.

    It turns out that one of the healthiest snacks available is not only packed with nutrients, but is also an effective appetite suppressant, portable, and pretty tasty to boot.
  • Prunes are a low fat snack though I love prunes and honestly could eat a ton of them.
  • I love the cherry and orange flavored prunes, brand name sunsweet, they are da bomb!
  • I had never had prunes before my surgery in January, when someone suggested I tried them to help with regularity issues from too much painkiller. WOW! Loved them! I still snack on them now. Wendalyn, I have to try the cherry & orange flavored ones, haven't seen them before.
  • Hey Shannon, you'll love em. Here's a link to know what the package looks like. I buy them in the grocery store next to the raisins.


    They also have dark chocolate covered prunes, OMG so so GOOD! Here's a link for those too..
  • Just a question for those who eat prunes...how much and how often? I've been afraid to eat them, just as I have been afraid to try Alli. I don't want to eat too many prunes, if you know what I mean! Thanks!

  • I eat them often 5 prunes is 100 calories, so that is a typical serving. Sometimes I have 5 of them as a snack with 5 almonds shoved into them and it tastes like candy! I sometimes eat 10 in a day, depends. No worries you probably won't $hit yourself if thats what your afraid of, moderation, but 5 outta be good start! Enjoy...
  • Thanks! Ya, I was worried about that!
  • I would agree. alli is totally different than prunes. Prunes are yummy and I've easily overdosed on prunes and although it may make for a grumbly tummy, you won't 'lose it'.
  • I think it is hilarious that they're calling them Dried Plums these days! I mean it's still a prune. But perhaps prunes have a bad "image" or something?

    But yeah, I could eat a ton of them. Very high in fiber (obviously) and very tasty, but like raisins they're sugar bombs so I stay away from them unless (uhmm) needed.
  • I'll have to try them. I could do with some new in-betweenies, you can only eat so many carrot sticks, and as my afternoons are often ridiculously busy, a snack that I can pop into my mouth as I go would be handy.