Moved down 2 BMI Classes

  • So, I started out in the morbidly obese category, also called Obese Class 3 above 40, moved fairly quickly in to Obese Class 2 category.
    As of last week, i am officially just Obese!!!

    may not seem like something to jump up and down about, but the next step down 4.5 points away, is just good old fashioned Overweight - can't wait for that one, the word obese just isn't pretty, but then it is a **** of a lot better when it doen's have the qualifier of morbidly in front of it

  • Congratulations!!!
  • That's really good high five keep at it x
  • Congratulations! Big steps forward!
  • That's wonderful! It's so nice to be able to get these negative titles off ourselves.
  • That's fabulous, congratulations on all your hard work!
  • Thanks so much everyone.

    It's so nice to have words of support from people who understand these milestones!

    I was telling a male friend of mine this the other day, and while he was very encouraging, i could tell I wasn't really hitting a chord, if you know what I mean!!!!