Weight Lifting Question

  • So I'm forcing myself to do weights. I compromised with myself that on the days I go spinning, I can get to the gym early or stay later and work on the upper body and inner/outer thigh weights. This only adds about 25 minutes to my workout, and it needs to get done.

    My legs are very muscular and I DON'T want them to get any bigger, they're very toned and you can see the muscle definition. The question is, is it ABSOLUTELY necessary to do weight lifting on my legs? I know if you have more muscle, you burn more calories, but I feel like they get a pretty good work out from all the cardio I do (that has a lot of resistance on it most of the time).

  • I go to my personal trainer and we do 40 min on arms, 15 on legs and 5 min on abs. I too have really strong legs. Although I have strong legs and I run a lot my trainer says we still do legs. I like that my legs are getting more and more toned. Its just my opinion. I hope that helps.
  • When I did the 30 DS religiously, in the first 14 days I lost 2 inches off each thigh.


    Which makes it even more mind boggling that I can't stay committed to such an effective work out plan. :P haha ANYWAY if you haven't tried the 30 day shred (jillian michaels from biggest loser made it) then you should check it out. I literally shrunk 14 inches my first 30 days around.
  • Quote: When I did the 30 DS religiously, in the first 14 days I lost 2 inches off each thigh.


    Which makes it even more mind boggling that I can't stay committed to such an effective work out plan. :P haha ANYWAY if you haven't tried the 30 day shred (jillian michaels from biggest loser made it) then you should check it out. I literally shrunk 14 inches my first 30 days around.
    Well that can't be a bad thing. I just ordered it last week, it should be at my office on Monday or Tuesday.
