Cute Motivating Quote

  • Someone posted this on an anonymous confessions site - I thought it was really cute and wanted to share what this person said:

    "I think I lost weight by subconsciously equating food with money. It works because I'm naturally a tightwad! First, my big flabby b**t was debt, so I needed to budget. I had to 'spend' 1200-1400 calories on 'utilities', or my lights would go out. After that, if I wanted to 'spend' more, I had to go earn the calories at my 'job' (exercise/gym). It's silly, but it was a useful way to get the mindset and motivation right"
  • I guess that is one way to look at it. Perspective is everything.
  • that is a great way to look at it thanks for share that.
  • I think this is interesting.... and a good way to connect obesity with the self satisfying nature of society's battling this epidemic. Whether it's money or food.. i certainly know what it's like to think i 'never have enough'
  • Cute
  • Interesting story! That's also a good way to lost weight! Haha!
  • Huh.... interesting quote, I agree!