
  • So I did the flex plan for a couple late last and lost almost 20lbs for my wedding. But because of health issues (my thyroid decided to act stupid) I gained all of it back plus 20lbs . Ok, so now here is my question, what is the differences of the flex and momentum plans?
  • Ok so just kidding I did the core plan when I did it.
  • Core is now simply filling.
    Flex is now Momentum but they encourage you to fill your points with filling foods.
    I'm relatively new at this, sorry if i sound confusing.
  • With Momentum you get a certain number of daily points, then 35 flex points to use as you choose on a weekly basis. The flex points don't carry over, so if you don't use them you lose them. You also get activity points. I hope this helps. The filling foods are the healthier food options that will help you stay full longer and are also part of the Simply Filling plan option.
  • Actually, the Simply Filling Technique (old Core) seems to work better for those with thyroid issues.