30-Somethings Chat: Monday 3-23

  • Just getting us started. Goodmorning!

    I stepped on the scale this morning. I am down another pound!! I'm so pleased. I have gone from 228.8 to 213.8. That's a total of 15 pounds.

    I am focused this week on logging my calories. I am concerned that I may not be getting enough calories, because I have times where I feel like I am starving. I have also increased my water intake, and hopefully that will take care of that hungry feeling.
  • on 15lb loss. That's great!!

    Don't know if you've tried logging in your food before but there are several great sites. Spark People, the Daily Plate and I just found a new one that looks pretty good and it seems really simple Myfitnesspal. Actually my doctor is a member and recommended it to me.

    I'm still chugging along. I went back to the grocery store and got more groceries. My cart was filled with loads of fresh foods and veggies. I have another new thing to try....hummus. Never tried it before. Wasn't sure which one was good so I ended up with a roasted red bell pepper one. Gonna try it at least once.

    I have noticed something this past few days. When I get full I stop, even thought my servings are WAY less that what I have been eating. Somethings on my diet plan I am not too crazy about and that makes it easier to stop. I did however have my treat yesterday (the first one in 3 days) and I didn't stop on that, I ATE it all! lol It was a slim a bear ice cream sandwich. Yum.. so good. lol BUT i didn't go back and get another like I normally would have.

    Today I am back at work (was out last week for Spring Break) working actually makes it easier on me diet wise because I can take what I have to eat and don't have anything else available. Plus I can get my exercise in before I get home. They have a great track around the playground and campus of the school. It's so much harder when I am home because I have all that food at home, calling to me. I am still determined to do this. My goal is to lose enough weight that I can have a tummy tuck. That's my plan for next summer. I would love to go ahead and do it but there's no point if I haven't lost any weight.

    how's everyone else doing???
  • Good Monday Morning Everyone!!!

    A pretty laid back day today. Some cleaning and rearranging the pantry. Yippie!! It's been getting warmer as the morning goes on. So maybe a stroll around the block. I can't wait until it gets warmer, so we can do our daily walk. That'll help on those days that I can't exercise as much. Right!

    I divulged in a nice warm oogey gooey cinnamon bun and apple juice for breaky . But am planning on a light crispy crunchy salad for lunch . Trying to make a different pasta dish for dinner. So I'll tell you how that goes, afterwards. If it is good.

    Sapphire: If you aren't up to par on calories, try a small snack. A handful of almonds or a fruit leather. I get both at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. But you can get them most anywheres. Also upping the water, like you mentioned is a good start. Best of luck.

    Well off for now. Chat later...
  • Good afternoon ladies!

    I've been a bit M.I.A. My husband felt that he had to share his cold with me and I got it twice as bad as he did!

    I've been sick since early last week and I just started feeling better yesterday. Ugh!

    I must say...I feel like I drank my weight in water and tea last week!

    I'm back on my healthy eating plan today...I want to lose 5lbs by Easter!

    Not much else going on...going to observe an hour long dog obedience class tonight for our 5 1/2 month old beagle...we're thinking about enrolling him soon. He's a pretty good boy, but he needs to brush up on what he knows already and learn a few more things.
  • Hey ladies:
    I've been off for the past three days and I have gotten very little done..lol..I worked out this morning and I feel good, except for a little headache.

    Great job Sapphire!
  • Wifey! let me know how it goes with the obeience class. I have a beagle that just turned a year old. He is such a ham but boy does he need some manners. His chewing is out of this world. Does your beagle chew?
  • Good afternoon! I am new here and just recently started WW. I have lost 5 pnds in 1 week! Too bad it couldnt go that easy every week!! Anyway, glad to be here and meet all of you!

    Now, how do you do the weight loss meter at the bottom of your name? The one that shows how much you have lost?

  • Hey Debbadoo:
    Welcome aboard. As for the ticker, I think you have to post 30 messages.
  • You have to be a member for 20 days then you can have a ticker...I am still waiting for mine.
  • Quote: Just getting us started. Goodmorning!

    I stepped on the scale this morning. I am down another pound!! I'm so pleased. I have gone from 228.8 to 213.8. That's a total of 15 pounds.

    Cute avatar BTW!

    I have lost my fist 5!! Very exciting...nothing has ever worked for me before! Having PCOS it has been very difficult!