Dizzy from pushups?

  • I'm doing the hundred pushups challenge and am on week four, day three. As I was finishing up the next-to-last set, I suddenly felt quite dizzy. I lay there for a bit, and it eventually went away. I didn't do the final set because I was worried. I'm pushing myself quite a bit to get in all the pushups, and I wonder if the dizziness was because it was too much? Or could it be something else?
  • Do you have sinus issues? Congestion? Sometimes when I'm on the ground or leaning over any sort of fashion I get dizzy because of all the congestion in my head and ears.
  • I swear I live my life dizzy

    There are a couple issues that could cause dizziness. It could be sinus issues causing imbalance.

    Another issue is low blood pressure. Is your blood pressure usually low? I have really low blood pressure and sometimes I need to make sure I increase my sodium or I'm careful about transitions (laying to standing quickly doesn't work well). It could be that your blood pressure was low and blood was going to your muscles and your brain started lacking so you went dizzy.

    Final issue is low blood sugar. I need to eat an hour to a half hour before I exercise or else I'll pass out. Had you eaten prior?
  • I have had the sniffles lately.

    I hadn't eaten for probably three hours prior. Also, I had high blood pressure and went on medication, and now my blood pressure is really down. I've been working out, too, because I want to get off of the medication.