• Hi!

    I was on LA Weightloss (Gold plan) back in '07. I went from 176 to 146 during that time. I've tried Weight Watchers (more than once---more than twice!), but LAWL was the only "diet" that really worked. It was the only diet that made me feel healthy rather than deprived. Unfortunately, they went defunct before I could take off the last 11 lb, and now I'm back to 155

    I just miss the accountability and the structure of LA. Now I have a nutritionist, but she just makes me eat WAY too much. I work out a lot, but 1700 calories a day is a bit much to eat, especially when the foods are high in fiber and carbs, etc. (know what I mean?).

    Anyway, I'm glad the LAWL forums are still out there. Anyone have a copy of the gold plan? I was thinking of trying to convince my nutritionist that I would like a happy medium between her plan and this one.

  • Gold Plan
    Hello "OrlandoSomeDay" I myself was excited when I found that this forum exists.

    If you need information about the Gold Plan you can use the "SEARCH" Feature that is part of the forum. Make sure when you do a search you make sure it only seaches the LA Weightloss Sections. There is a wealth of information on these boards that has helped me tremendously. I always found someone who could answer my question.

    For example here is one the many links/sections/information that is available on the forum:


  • Me too. Lost my center December 08 and have felt quite abandoned - until I found this. Wow, I feel as though I'm back in the LA Community. Thanks to everyone's shares about things like Cliff and Luna bars, I feel there is a new life ahead.

    I started back on my plan last week (after investing in scales) and I'm weighing myself three times a week - the same days I would have gone into my center. I'm keeping my diary (created a copy on my computer) and checking into the forums every day to see what's new. Yay, I'm on my way