Adkins Induction or low carb to jump start fat loss?

  • I'd like to know if you ladies think Adkins /low carb life style will work to get my body into fat burning mode. I only eat healthy carbs oatmeal. brown rice .fruits &vegs(lots!!) didn't know they considered carbs! I restarted exercising again must do better .
    Have any of you done this with success to get your body started losing again
    I'm 53 in menopause & my body just won't budge!!
    I seem to be tired .fatigued so I though maybe I'm not getting enough protein
    I thought this plan might work I'm worried about the full fat though I"VE been on low fat for sooo long I should have no fat on my body LOL
    I'm glad this is working for all of you !!!!your losses are amazing !!! you should be very proud!!!
  • I wouldn't eat the "healthy carbs" either. Get yourself the book Good Calories, Bad Calories (I think thats the name) and read it. It has a huge amount of information about carbs.

    As for the fat, its actually very good for you, and I enjoy the fat on my meals immensly. I actually eat more fat than protein these days, and yes I'm losing weight. When you drop carbs to a level that you are happy with (Atkins reccomends 20g, I eat less than that) your body will burn fat instead, fat from your body and from the fat you eat.
  • Quote: I'm worried about the full fat though I"VE been on low fat for sooo long I should have no fat on my body LOL
    About a month or so ago, I posted about my DBF's cholesterol test results. In December 2007, his total cholesterol was 275, LDL was 191, HDL was 47, triglycerides were 184. The Dr. never discussed his diet or mentioned changing his diet to get this problem under control, instead he immediately wanted to put DBF on Lipitor. I said NO WAY!!! Statin drugs are bad news. I got DBF a few books to read...Protein Power Lifeplan by Dr's Michael & Mary Dan Eades and The Great Cholesterol Con by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick. I'll be honest, I didn't really expect him to change his eating habits. God bless him, I love him to death but...the man was addicted to sandwiches! I never thought he'd give that up. But, I'm happy to say, he trusted me, he read the books and he changed his eating habits. He doesn't do full-fledged Atkins, he eats ezekiel bread now, occasional sweet potato instead of white potatoes, lots of fish, veggies and he loves fruit. In about 2 & a half months, he lost 35 lbs but, more importantly, his total cholesterol is now 195, LDL is 123, HDL is 49, triglycerides are 114 I am very, very proud of him for doing this & for staying away from Lipitor!

    Since you are obviously concerned about fat and believe it causes heart issues & high cholesterol, I suggest you reading those 2 books I mentioned as well as Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes and Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution. In the meantime you may want to check out the following links. I think these will shed a lot of light on the subject:

    I'm on Atkins almost 5 years, its worked great for me. I wouldn't eat any other way...but...everyone is different, you need to research & find what you feel will work for you. Remember, the most important thing...if you want to be successful in losing the weight & in maintaining the loss, you must change your eating habits for the rest of your life...doing anything else is only setting yourself up for failure.

    You CAN do this!!

    All the best to you!!!

    I'm not worried about Cholesterol .I'm mostly worried about weight gain since my body is so used to low fat stuff.
    I have the books EAT FAT LOSE FAT by MARY Enig & Sally Fallon & The Coconut Oil Diet,I might have Dr Adkins book downstairs in my basement in all my clutter (not sure!!)
    I just got apples & carrots at the store .apples are too high for INDUCTION right what about carrots?
    Could some of you ladies that have been doing this for awhile give me an ex.of what a few days might look like on INDUCTION it would be very helpful!!
    I'm also concerned about constipation? sorry for all the questions???
    also do you use organic butter. oils, cheeses?

    Kathy how many LBS is that
  • SORRY I meant to say KIM & KATHY!!!
  • Hmm, lets see, 1 pound is 400g. So 12 pounds or so.

    I dont eat any veges at the moment, because my body is working better without them. But everyone is different. Vegetables give me cravings and thats why I dont eat them. I'm feeling healthier than ever, and have sooooooo much energy. Right now I feel like I could run around crazy in the street.

    I dont count calories, but I did check last week to make sure I wasn't eating too little. I'm averageing around 1300 calories with my WOE.

    I have a way to go and today is the end of week 3, the day I usually give up and binge, but this time its different, because I'm not having cravings, I'm not hungry and I'm finding it quite easy, compared to other low carb attempts.
    I love my fruit & veges. I"M going to miss my fruit!
    I wish I had your energy I hope the extra protein will help
    LET me know how your doing , can you put it in lbs for me when you post I'm not too smart!!
  • Thanks Judy,

    I've never been a huge fan of fruit and veges myself. Fruit just makes my blood sugars spike, and give me cravings. Veges make me eat more. When I have my meat only I'll eat a quarter of what I can eat when there are veges on my plate.

    But each to their own. When you start going up the rungs with your ongoing weight loss phases, you will be able to add some fruit back in, so dont look at it as forever. Its just a temporary measure.

    I'd give my energy away at the moment if I could. I did 1.5 hours of aerobics, and I'm still buzzing. Sleeping is quite the horror sometimes. I'd like the energy side of things to slow down a little.
  • Quote: THANKS KIM & MARY!!
    I'm not worried about Cholesterol .I'm mostly worried about weight gain since my body is so used to low fat stuff.
    I have the books EAT FAT LOSE FAT by MARY Enig & Sally Fallon & The Coconut Oil Diet,I might have Dr Adkins book downstairs in my basement in all my clutter (not sure!!)
    I just got apples & carrots at the store .apples are too high for INDUCTION right what about carrots?
    Could some of you ladies that have been doing this for awhile give me an ex.of what a few days might look like on INDUCTION it would be very helpful!!
    I'm also concerned about constipation? sorry for all the questions???
    also do you use organic butter. oils, cheeses?

    Kathy how many LBS is that
    Hi Judy!

    Sounds like you are confused about Induction. I don't mean this as lecturing really need to read the book Meanwhile, you might want to have a look at Veronica Atkins (Dr. Atkins wife) website:
    Basically, Induction is 20 net carbs (total carbs minus fiber) per day from foods on the acceptable foods list ONLY! 12-15 of your 20 carbs for the day should be coming from veggies & salads.
    Apples & carrots would not be permitted until you progress to OWL (On Going Weight Loss - Phase 2 of Atkins) according to the carb ladder.
    An average day on Induction for me looked like this:
    Breakfast: 2 egg cheese omelette (1 oz cheddar cheese) fried in 1-2 Tbsp butter, 3 strips bacon or 3 links of breakfast sausage
    Lunch: salad with 1 oz shredded cheese, cucumber slices, broccoli florets, topped with either grilled chicken or homemade tuna salad (made with full fat mayo & splenda sweetened sweet pickle relish) & 2 Tbsp full fat ranch dressing
    Dinner: meat, fish, pork or chicken with a small salad & veggie from the acceptable foods list with butter
    There is no reason to spend the added expense on organic oils & butter unless thats what you prefer.
    As for constipation, making sure you eat your veggies & salads and drinking a lot of water is very important and I believe really prevents you from experiencing that situation.
    Counting calories is not necessary, just keep a close watch on your carbs and most importantly, don't eat anything that isn't on the acceptable foods list.
    I hope this helps
    You CAN do this!!

    All the best to you!!!

    I think I bought the book a long time ago,it might be in my cluttered basement I'll have to look for it!
    is turkey breakfast sausage OK,I'm not crazy about pork?
    I went to the web site it gave me enough info to get me started just in case I can't find the book
  • I don;t know about fat burning necessarily but it is a great way to get some control on carb cravings and some water weight loss always feels nice too.

    don't get kooky with too many calories tho.

    good luck!
    Is this the plan you used to lose all your weight? I see your in maintenance
    GREAT JOB!!!
  • Yes buy the book or go find it and read it. I don't want to lecture you either but the book will be easy to understand and will make it clear to you what you can and can't do. This site is good to come for support and to check your menus, etc but it is too much to write down everything you need to do to follow Atkins.