Mini Goal 1 down!

  • As of today I've lost 11lbs since December 29th! Mini-Goal 1 down My next mini goal is to be under 200lbs by my birthday, here's to hoping!
  • Way to go! You are doing great, and I'm sure you will make your next mini goal.
  • Great news, way to go!!!!
  • Nice, good job
  • YAY for you! I made a mini goal today too I lot 20 lbs as of today--WOHOO! We rock!!!
  • Congratulations!! That is a big deal!
  • Thanks! I'm still excited some of my clothes are already fitting better! It's nice to have more than one pair of pants to wear that AREN'T maternity pants
  • Congratulations. What a great feeling! I have faith you will be under 200 way before your birthday. Keep up the good work!
  • Way to go on those 11 Lbs gone!! You can do it and doing wonderful!!