Interview Numero Dos!

  • So.. I don't know if you remember but I was freaking about the over the phone interview a few weeks ago. Well- I'm back, freaking about my 2nd interview! I got the call today and I have a 90 minute face-to-facer on the 18th! AHHH! I got this 3 page itinerary on what will go on, where to park, which security guard to talk to, what photo ID i'll need, blah blah blah but nothing on what to wear! They stress REPEATEDLY that they are a business casual environment.. but do I dress business professional for the interview? and why is the interview 90 minutes long! I'm not that exciting
  • You alway want to dress at least one level of formality higher than the job you are interviewing for. One step above business casual is business, so yes, wear business dress.

    As for the length, I'm betting that entire time won't be spent face to face. I ask candidates to take a logic test, and I'd count that in the time estimate for the interview. Or they might have you meet with several people. I can almost guarantee that you won't be talking to one person for the whole 90 minutes.

    Good luck!