12 lbs lost!

  • My first goal has been reached! I have reached the 120's

    I've struggled a lot with weight and my relationship with food my entire life. In highschool an Eating Disorder entered my life and made it a living ****. 3 years later I went to treatment where I learned how to eat correctly, and get a handel on things. It took about 2 or 3 years to over come it, but I did!

    Since then, I haven't felt stable enough in my relationship to food to start loosing weight again the right away, I was afraid that any weight loss may trigger my ED to come back. Last year I finially felt strong enough to try. Some days it's tough, but I've never had any relapses, I stay strong!

    My highest weight was at 150 when I was released from treatment at the hospital. My body stabled at 140 for a few years, I've since lost 12 lbs putting me at 128!

    On the left - before around 140

    Here's me last night all dressed up for halloween! The first time I felt sexy in my costume (my boyfriends a lion hehe)

  • You look so cute! and your boyfriend looks so funny, haha.
  • Congratulations!!! You look great!
  • you look great!!
  • You look SO GOOD! Amazing job.
  • You've been through a lot and come so far!
  • congrats on both the eating disorder and the weight loss! That must have been such a challenge, well done and keep it up!
  • thanks you guys!
  • You look awesome!