Question for Avid Resistance Band Users

  • What is your daily resistance band workout routine? How many sets, reps and how long do you workout? Please list them out. I need guidance as to how many of what I need to do. I am in need of coming up with my own total body workout using the resistance bands. I have a heavy and medium bands now.

  • I'm not sure anyone here uses resistance bands on a regular basis. I usually take them when I go on a trip and simulate my normal weight workout.

    Although I did google for resistance band workouts and came up with this:
  • there is also a good one on youtube. I can't post the link because I don't have enough posts but if you go to youtube and type in resistance bands it should come up.

    I have used it before and liked it. Sparkpeople have a couple of different short movies for working out.

  • There is also the sticky above that Meg posted a while back: