
  • I just bought myself a pair of rollerblades because I just spent the last year losing 80 pounds walking and I ended up gaining back 20 from stress and thought I would try something new with dieting. Any ideas? Any advice? Is this better than walking? Thanks! KIM
  • Hi Kim,

    I bought my first pair of rollerblades several weeks ago and now I'm hooked! I am still learning how to use them properly but I am slowly getting the hang of them. The only problem I've had so far is that I keep getting blisters on the instep of my feet (left more so than the right) so I can only wear them for about 30 mins at a time. I'm not sure if it's an issue with them not fitting properly, that they still need to be 'broken in', or that I'm just not wearing the proper socks with them.

    I think that they're a great form of exercise and after only a few minutes using them, can feel it in my hips and legs. I believe it has to do with the pushing motion... it's supposed to be really good for toning your butt and legs! Fingers crossed, I can use all the help I can get!

  • Hey. I love to rollerblade. It's finally getting nice out so I can start again. it feels a lot easier than walking or running because you're gliding most the time, but you still burn a lot of calories without even realizing it. Before you know it, you're sweaty and worn-out but don't wanna stop because its too much fun. Just remember to take it easy and be careful. It's really easy to fall and trip over a rock or something like that. How far do you think you'd want to rollerblade for? Good luck!
  • Little Engine -

    Try this for your blisters. You should be able to find them in the foot care section of your local drugstore. Place them over any spot that you are prone to blisters. I use them on the tops of my foot near the ankle because my rollerblades rub a bit there. They work great.

    BandAid Blister Blockers

    3mom -

    Rollerblading is great exercise once you get good enough to get up a little speed and endurance. And it's fun! I try to go out for a long roll every Sunday, weather permitting.