What are some good healthy snacks I can eat that are good for on the go?

  • Good easy snacks on the go?
    I work part time and am in school full time and I get hungry in the middle of the day and always need a good pick me up to help me through to dinner.
  • Small can of V-8
    Piece of fruit
    Serving of nuts
    Baggie of fresh vegetables
    Ants on a log (celery, peanut butter, raisins)
    Low-fat Babybel or laughing cow cheese and low-fat triscuits
  • My quickest is a piece of string cheese, an apple and 2 T of soy nuts (or a small serving of whole grain crackers) Just always try to combine a protein with your carb. For example, if in desperation, you are at a 7-11 and all you see is a banana- make sure you have some single serve peanut butter (or make your own) and fluids to wash it all down. The nanner alone will set you up for hunger in my experience. Good luck.
  • I had a banana at 7-11 today! My BF and I walked there to get some fountain drinks and I ate the banana on the way back. With the carbonation from my diet soda (don't get started on aspartame people, i dont care) and the banana was a good filler for a snack.


    my favourite snacks are fresh fruit definitely. Convenience stores sell servings of pineapple and melon too.
  • Like stated above, bananas and string cheese are total snack staples for me. I also make my own trail mix that consists

    6-10 almonds or walnuts
    1/4 cup dried fruit (apricots, blueberries, (c)raisins, whatever as long as there's no added sugar)
    1/2 cup whole grain cereal (real whole grain cereal, and around 100 cals per cup serving... Kashi makes great stuff)

    OH and granola bars are always tasty. (also Kashi brand)
  • I make Meg's Fiber One Muffins and often bring one along for a snack. When I make them, I sub non-fat yogurt for the buttermilk, pumpkin puree for the applesauce, increase the hot water added to the Fiber One cereal to 3/4 cup, sub 1 tsp baking powder + 1/2 tsp baking soda for the baking soda, sub about 4 oz fresh fruit for the raisins, sub splenda for the sugar, and divide the batter into 10 rather than 12 muffins. It makes a nice sized muffin for about 80 calories. Perfect for a snack.

    I also love Fiber One cereal by itself for a snack. 1/2 cup is only 60 calories. I'll measure 1/2 cup into a baggie or small tupperware container to go.
  • I found 100 calorie packs of almonds. I always have one in my purse for emergencies.
  • Meal replacement bars -- I love Odwalla Choco-walla and Banana. I buy these at Whole Foods.
  • I've been eating things like trail mix, baby carrots (washed and stored in a ziplock bag), string cheese or crackers.