18 pounds gone!

  • ---
  • You look great! I love your haircut!
  • Congratulations! I love the pics, made me smile
  • You look awesome! WAY TO GO!
  • you look awesome, if only i could get that small, lol
  • WOW, 18 lbs lost since June 21, and you were only in the 160s to begin with?! I am IMPRESSED. That's amazing!
  • Thanks so much everyone!

    I've been working hard and eating super healthy since I started in June. I wasn't expecting to drop so much so fast - I'm thinking a good percent of it was water weight and I'll be facing some plateaus from here on out..

    Still, this has really proved to me what awesome results you can get if you stick your mind to something and go for it.

    Expect more pictures in the future, and most importantly, ladies, don’t give up!
  • Congratulations, you look fantastic!