One "golden" chance??

  • I am beginning Atkins this week. I've done it before and had great results (except that I gained the weight back). I've been told several times and have read that the more times you start/restart Atkins, that you don't lose as well as you did before. That the first time you do it and stick to it is the best. Is this true?? What are your experiences?? I'm trying NOT to let that discourage me!!
  • and welcome back to Atkins!!

    I can't really speak from "experience" concerning the 2nd time on Atkins...however, I think if you follow the plan precisely as written, it WILL work. When Dr. Atkins wrote his plan, he did much research to write a plan that would work when followed the way he wrote it, unfortunately...when people think they can modify things, it ends up not working. I can't stress enough the importance of reading the book BEFORE beginning Atkins and if necessary, re-reading it if there are points you are unclear about. Understanding how & why this plan works is essential for success. Eat only the foods on the acceptable foods list, drink plenty of water (water means WATER... it does not mean Crystal Light, diet soda's etc.), and last but, certainly not least, get some form of daily exercise. If you do all these things WILL be successful!!

    You CAN do this!!!

    All the best to you!!
  • Well, unfortunately I can speak from experience.

    The first time I did Atkins, the weight just fell off. I didn't even have to count carbs after awhile. I just cut out sugar and starch and cheated a lot and the pounds just kept disappearing.

    It actually took quite awhile of eating everything in sight that I knew I shouldn't (added to injury, depression, and stress) to put the weight back on. But once it started accumulating, it wouldn't stop.

    So that was my "golden chance". Now I have to WORK at it. Like JerseyGyrl says, you have to FOLLOW THE PROGRAM. I'm in Induction again and I have to account for EVERY CARB. And force myself to drink water and take my vitamins and exercise. NO cheating this time.

    Of course, easier said than done. I was so busy and so stressed over the weekend that I let myself get too hungry and binged on 5 low carb tortillas with cheese one day, and a couple cups of cottage cheese another day.

    So I'm spending a lot of time logging my food on and planning my meals in advance so I don't get hungry. When I stick to Dr. Atkins Induction rules, I start losing weight. I'm hoping I can get in the habit again and quit justifying all these "little cheats".

    Good luck! Don't get discouraged. Just stick to the program and it WILL work. As I keep telling myself, it's just not worth it to stray.
  • I have seen this subject discussed elsewhere before. I can't speak from experience, but from what I've read many that try the second time are 10, maybe even 15 years older this time. One needs to keep in mind that it is harder to loose as you get older, and it will not be the same as when you were 25. That's not Atkins' fault, it's just our metabolisms naturally slowing down.

    (Of course this doesn't necessarily apply to everyone that has this type of experiences.)
  • Today is day 5- i looked at the scale yesterday- i know i told my hubby to lock it up, but i wanted to make sure i wasn't gaining- i lost 3 lbs!!! plus it was at night and my hair was dripping wet from washing it- so who knows, maybe more- now i'm not touching the scale for 2 weeks if i can make it that far without the urge to look
    I'm so happy- i had chicken salad with celery for lunch and scrambled eggs mixed with green pappers, onions, mushrooms and a little cheese- delish!!!
    the girls i work with are so happy all the time!!! i have never worked in a place like this- i am such a sarcastic person- they all seem so happy to see me everyday- good grief!
    OF course, i feel like a fat cow with all of them- i'm 29 and they are 24-27 but i feel so old- i think it's because i'm overweight and can't wear their size 0 in fashion outfits- hopefully by sometime next year i will be able to!!! obviously not size 0 since i'm 6'0", but maybe size 6!!!!
    Anyway, wish me luck getting through the week- i love my schedule- i even had time to lay out in the arizona sun on my balcony this afternoon which was great- but it's like 112 here today- so searing hot
    good luck everyone!!!! to the person who says they are depressed- try some exercise or time with friends- hopefully that will cheer you up!
  • Quote: i lost 3 lbs!!!
    Congrats! I bet you feel better's nice to prove yourself wrong sometimes.

    As for your original question, with me personally, I tried Atkins for a month 3 or 4 years ago. During that month I lost about 20lbs. I started again about 10 days ago and have lost about 18lbs already. I'm not sure if I'm more active right now than what was back then. I know here is way more humid than it was back then (moved since then) and I'm sweating a lot more...perhaps that helped...i have no idea.

    The point is, in my personal situation I've been losing faster than my original attempt. Do like i am doing...treating this like the first time i tried, but using the experience I gained from "failing" the first time and with other diets to help me through this one. Don't set yourself up for defeat already...stay/get active and get on with it!

    Oh, one other thing...try changing "Miss Fatty McFat" to something a little more's kind of like me changing mine to "dicky-do"!
  • I cant tell you how many times I started and restarted!! The first time I did it I lost over 100lbs. I didnt keep it off because I need to learn how to maintain!!!

    The only difference Ive noticed from the first time, is I have to cut back on the fat after the 2nd week. Otherwise nothing moves. Usually keeping my cheese to no more than 2 oz a day and very little hamburger keeps me in check.
  • I really do think cheese is my downfall so I'm trying to limit it. Some of these recipes I'm trying call for cheese, cheese and more cheese, so I'm going to limit those to once a week.

    Atkins really is a sure fire deal. I'm been eating low carb for years now, and even cheating very seldom for the past two years. At least I quit going up. It's all the little cheats that are the downfall.

    Now that I'm sticking to 20 carbs a day and making sure with, the weight is coming off. I should be below 200 here before too long and I owe it all to Dr. Atkins. (Props out to the Drs. Eades for Protein Power too!)

    The "Golden Chance" is when you first go low carb and it's a PIECE OF CAKE. Now you have to make sure your "cake" is made with low carb almond flour, Splenda packets (not Granular) and only have 1/12 of a piece.
  • Good Luck