Hello New Here

  • Hi Iam Kathy Iam low carbing love this place so helpful Iam 39 4 kids and need support thank you!
  • Hi Kathy,

    I'm new here too, just found this site earlier this week. I live in Denver, married for 14 years. I am 31 and have 2 babes of my own. Good luck with your goals!
  • Hi Kathy,

    I'm also new. I just turned 39 this month, and I'm hoping to be much healthier by the time I get to 40!

    I'm counting calories, but I'm also limiting my carbs because I have a family history of Type 2 Diabetes. I've already lost some weight, but my willpower has really been tested because my husband and two teenagers keep bringing junk food into the house.

    Luckily, my new lifestyle (I refuse to call it a diet!) has influenced my children a bit. I've actually caught them passing up Doritos to eat some of my healthy snacks. I guess miracles do happen!

  • Hi Ladies!!
  • Wow Kids passing on Doritos??? None of mine would, hehhe My husband and kids are the same they bring in junk, but thats ok Iam doing this for me and every item I refuse brings me one step closer to my goal! Thank you all for your comments and support, I live in Fort Collins I love it here~ I Turned 39 May 26 But I will be hot at 40 hehehhe
  • They only pass on the Doritos when they have a sweet tooth. I can usually resist salty snacks, but I've had to banish cookies and brownies from the house until I can find more willpower. (Sweets are definitely my weakness)

    When my kids need a sweet fix, they have to choose between walking up to town and buying something or eating one of my fiber-one bars. They don't seem to realize that the fiber bars border on healthy.

    I'm trying to lead by example, but so far, it hasn't worked much. It took my family almost a month to realize that I'd stopped drinking soda.

  • Hello! I am a newbie too! Just wanted to stop by and say hello and welcome! I am 33, from Tennessee, and working on getting healthy!

    Good Luck to everyone and I am looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • Hi Kathy
    Welcome! I'm new here too. And, I live in Colorado also (Broomfield). I moved out here from Indiana, and it is kind of depressing b/c there a lot less people overweight in CO, compared to Indiana. Hopefully, with support we'll be able to lose all of our weight and be like all of those skinny chicks we see on their bikes!
