About me, the newbee

  • Hello to everyone. I've been visiting this web site for a while now and have been very impressed with the recipies, and the support forums.

    The first time I ever really started dieting was about 2002 or 2003. At that time I weighed 265. A friend of mine joined Weight Watcher's points program and gave me a "Getting Started" booklet along with a point calculator (cardboard slide-rule?). I gave it a shot and actually lost some weight. I have also tried the "Mayo Diet", givin to overweight patients needing to lose weight before a surgery, also losing some weight, but really messed with my blood sugar levels. I lost a total of 20 lbs. and have maintained ever since dispite the lack of trying.

    Now I'm back to try again, having been inspired by the BBC program "You are What you Eat", I've pulled out the Weight Watchers stuff, armed myself with internet diet recipes, and cookbooks found at garage sales, and started "stair-stepping" on some phone books. It's been 5 weeks and I have lost another 10 lbs.! Yeah!

    I feel I need more support in my time of suffering. Reading through some of the posts, I find myself being comforted somewhat, but I think I need to interact too. I was glad to find forums about depression, which means there will be those of you who know what I'm talking about.
  • HI & welcome

    If I can do this , you can do this

    You will reach your goal this time & keep it off

    Good luck with your weight loss journey
  • I'm so glad you decided to do more than lurk. It is great to read the support on the board, but it is even better to be supported by others when we need it. There are lots of wonderful threads, including the Weight Watchers thread and the one you've already seen about dieting with depression. Look around, I'm sure you'll find lots of support.