Frustrated... any ideas???

  • So, I was feeling guilty about not working out this morn because my legs were kind of sore from the day before yesterday and yesterday combined... Well, I was feeling "better" so I stretched and hit the treadmill... I could only do 10 mins and my achilles and the muscle next to the shin on the outside of the leg began to burn and tighten up so much I couldn't do anymore... I was able to do ab work and upper body, but I was really wanting the cardio. I have only had my treadmill for 3 weeks now. The first week, I used it every other day (m-w-f) same with the second week. This week I have tried every day. The first week, I was woken on the 2nd work out day in the middle of the night with what felt like achilles tendonitis, but a few ibuprofen and an ice pack and a few hours later, all seemed better. I do stretch out before and after working out. I drink anywhere between 8-10 bottles of water a day. Any suggestions or ideas? Its frustrating because I want to be working out.
    A little history of mine... after my twins were born I started having problems with joints and such and was diagnosed with rheumatoid artheritis. Because of this, I tend to get tendonitis 2-3 times per year in various places, shoulders, knees, wrists... anyhow, didn't know if any of yall had problems like this when you had started working out or if I am going to just have "issues" because of the artheritis bit..
    Thanks for listening to me venting about my wo's
  • My shins used to KILL me when I jogged - Part way into my routine, they would start burning like - and I couldn't 'walk it off' either. I would have to stop, rest a few minutes and then start again...

    I have no idea why you are having problems (I am NO Dr.!) - but two things worked for me:

    1. I stopped running and landing on the balls of my feet... you are supposed to land on your heels (didn't know this at first!)

    2. I bought better sneakers! The sneakers have made a HUGE difference for me. I know there are places you can go that will help you buy the right sneaker, and the right size.
  • thank you scraver for your suggestions. I thought I had decent walking shoes, but maybe I should change them up. I am gonna try the things you have suggested and see if that helps any!