
  • Ok - this may sound stupid - but on Sunday my honey buns and I decided to order a pizza... Which is always my downfall. We eat it until it's gone - I have no control. So - our little accomplishment is that, instead of ordering our usual large - we ordered a SMALL!
  • hey every little bit helps. i did the same thing earlier this week by ordering an only cheese thin crust pizza and tossing it when i was finished. i still lost weight! every healthy change is a good one.
  • While most foods can fill me up, I find that I can eat so much pizza I'll make myself sick. It's like I can't get enough of it in me, it's definitely my weakness. I try to compensate by at least getting it with spinach instead of pepperoni (even though I LOVE pepperoni) and I blot off the grease, of course. I can't stand to waste pizza though, I always save it and eat it cold for breakfast.
  • Awsome! You can not deprive yourself when you have craving becuase when you do have it you will go over board. I have been craving pizza myself. My husband and I have found pizza boli crust at the supermarket that is whole wheat, we add our toppings and it is really good. Try that next time so you are not getting all the empty carbs. Congratulation on you achievment.

  • I eat papa murphys DeLite herb chicken mediterranean, it's yummy. I like it better than most pizzas. It's still got quite a few calories, but I can eat 5 pieces of it for dinner as well as what I eat earlier in the day and still not go over my calories for the day.
  • Congrats scraver! I completely understand, I love pizza and after years of eating healthily I still can't control myself around it. Great job!
  • Thats great way to go that def helps control how much you eat
  • Don't just order small order from Pizza Hut their thin diet kind... it makes a huge difference in calories. Have you tried the South Beach diet frozen pizzas with wheat bread? They are yummy.
  • way to go!! I was just thinking I might try something like that. I haven't ordered pizza since I started to lose weight.
  • And the new Kashi pizza.