can someone make sure im on track??

  • Breakfast: luna bar, 1/2 banana, 1 cup skim milk, string cheese
    count as: 1 bar, 1 fruit, 1 diary

    Lunch: turkey sandwich on 2 piece of sara lee 45 calorie bread with mustard and lettuce
    count as: 1 starch, 1/2 protein, 1 veggie

    snack: 1 orange
    count as: 1 fruit

    Dinner: lean cuisine and 2 cups of steamed veggies
    count as: 1 starch and protein and 2 veggies

    snack: luna bar
    count as 1 bar

    red with lites:

    2 1/2 protein
    4 veggies
    3 fruits
    1 dairy
    1 fat
    2 bars

    i think im short on 1 protein and 1 strach any suggestions on what to add in??
    thanks for all your help
  • Concerns I see:

    Breakfast – ensure that the ½ banana is a small banana otherwise it is NOT 1 Fruit, ALSO, the 8 oz of Skim Milk (1 Cup) is a full Dairy, when you add the 1 oz of string you end up with and additional ½ Dairy, which puts you over for dairy.

    Lunch – I am assuming you are not using more than 4 slices of turkey and that this is lunch meat – as 8 slices is a full serving, the count is correct, but be careful to not eat this all the time, with the sodium in the lunch meat you are supposed to use this sparingly.
    My Book lists “Bread, lite” as 1 slice for 1 Starch, now I know that I have heard of people on this site saying that 2 slices is 1 starch for the Sara Lee 45 Cal bread, but if I go by my book, I show 2 starches for 2 slices.
    The Lettuce takes 3 cups to make a serving, so I don’t think you are putting that much lettuce on the sandwich to be able to take a full veggie.
    Don’t forget to log your condiments as you only get 3 a day.

    1st Snack – I am assuming this is a “small” orange, if not you need to count it as more than 1 Fruit

    Dinner – the Lean Cuisine is 1 P and 1 S, but again, make sure you are not eating this 7 days a week, I believe the book says that no more than 5 a week and only 1 in a day.
    If the 2 cups were measured raw then 2 veggies are good, but if it is 2 cups cooked, than it is 4 veggies.
  • Jamie, You are not eating enough!

    This is missing 1 serving of fruit, 1 fat, at least 1/2 serving of protein and perhaps one starch. I added it up and came up with just under 1200 calories, which is probably little enough to make you stall.

    Now, kelly's sodium warnings are valid, but you can check the labels and find the lower sodium choices and make this a lesser concern. For frozen meals I find that if I can find ones below 500mg of sodium, I don't see a gain the next day. Over 700mg and I will and above 1000mg, don't get on the scale or violence will occur. Lots of lean cusines do have the 1000 mg. Many healthy choice or kashi frozen meals are below 500mg. So I think you are OK eating it 5 times a week if you keep the sodium content down, as it is very good portion control. However in your case where you are hardly eating!

    Your string cheese can be counted as a half a protein. So if you could add a second one of those to your day. It would probably be very helpful to you if you ate it mid morning. Eating mid morning keeps your metabolism going and burning calories throughout the day. It is really easy and fast to slip one of those cheese sticks in your purse and they are fast to eat without even me getting up out of my desk.

    For your lunch you might want to consider finding a slightely higher calorie bread and counting it as 2 starches. Since you have the starch anyway. As I would feel a bit "ripped off" counting a 45 calorie bread as a starch, but a more satisfying 60-70 calorie bread.. well that might make lunch better.. If you don't know where to get the fat in, put a little bit of mayonaise on this sandwich. Or you could also add 6-7 almonds to the orange in the afternoon snack. I have kept a bag of almonds in my desk and if I eat them about half an hour before I get home from work, I do not come through the door and immediately need to eat.

    Anyway, I do think you are not eating enough or often enough to keep your metabolism stoked so that your body has a chance to burn the calories.
  • OH and by also add, I really meant instead of you could eat the almonds, either the mayonaise or the almonds. I always forgot the fat serving when I started, but found that I could eat a few unsalted almonds even after all the other food was gone...