Aussie Chicks in 2008

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  • I had a squizz at that program Barb - it does sound more sensible than most that you pay for. Was it expensive?

    I'm a very big fan of incidental exercise, and I'm rapidly forming the view that it's even more important than structured exercise - especially for keeping weight off.

    Where I don't quite agree with that program is where he talks about weight loss being 70% food - I actually think it's higher than that, more like 80-85%. Well, it is for me anyway.

    It's why I think programs like The Biggest Loser can be very misleading. If you took on board the message from that show - they ascribe "good and bad" labels to food. They also train the pants off contestants. None of those messages are realistic for long-term weight loss… or for keeping weight off once you get to goal.

    I work my daily calorie count out like this: if I sit on my arse all day and do nothing, I will burn 68 calories/hour (for a total of 1650). That's what my body requires just to keep it functioning at this weight. So anything I do - whether it is eat less/move more or a combination of both - will help that.

    If I am more active throughout the day (and I'm talking about incidental exercise here), and walk around the shops, clean the house, park further away from where I'm going, walk up stairs, garden… I'll increase the calorie burn rate.

    I have to be careful now that I'm getting smaller, because I have to do a bit extra to achieve the same results. But I have a lot more energy now, so it isn't hard to "go the extra mile".

    The point I'm making is this: you can play around with how much you exercise/move and still have a fair bit of leeway. You can skip that 30 minute walk, and potter in the garden or scrub the bathroom - you'll still burn more calories.

    But you can't play with food the same way. It's why it's so hard to lose weight - because we have to change the very thing we are most resistant to. I used to be the most shocking eater. I hate cooking, so I would find the easiest, most convenient food. I'd skip meals, then get so hungry I'd scoff something down. Whenever I ate out I couldn't order anything that didn't include hot chips - I would feel like I had missed out if I did that. I would eat takeaway food at least once a week, potato chips, chocolate, cheese and biscuits…

    Now I listen to my body. And as weird as this might sound, it tells me what it needs. Last night, after a week of moving, cleaning, packing, unpacking, and stressing I was physically really fatigued. I felt like I was getting a cold, and my muscles were tired. So I grilled some low-fat chicken sausages, had mashed potatoes, and half a plate of steamed green vegetables. I threw a heap of garlic and chives into the potato while I was mashing it up - and followed dinner with freshly squeezed orange juice.

    The old me would have taken a pile of pills: garlic and horseradish, echinacea, Vitamin C and then run out to somewhere like Chicken Treat for comfort food.

    I don't believe that short-term or fad weight loss is beneficial. It doesn't teach us how to maintain our hard-fought healthy bodies when we turn 60. Will we be able to do high-intensity gym workouts then? Most of us won't. But we'll be able to go for a walk, eat healthy food, clean our homes - and be strong healthy women.

    Why am I rambling? Who knows?
  • I REALLY can't leave this too long, otherwise there's 30 pages to read!

    I'm still fighting with my weight issues (I REFUSE to use struggling anymore, go NLP!) I WILL conquer them, no matter how long it takes. I did a BodyJam class tonight (after a couple of weeks wanting to) and LURVED it. So much fun and I love dancing. The only downside is its really difficult for me to get to a class. Tuesday nights I have Weight Watchers, Thursday nights my PT session starts at the same time as the class (my PT had a cancellation tonight and brought it forward cause she knows how much I wanted to try this class) and Satuday mornings aren't the best, as I work every second Saturday! I'm going to have a talk to my PT tomorrow and see if I can shuffle it around, because I REALLY want to do this class. I don't want to change meetings (my leader is lovely) so if I can't change PT times, I guess I'll have to just go every second week.
  • Wow, Gen I can't believe that you leave on Monday! That's so exciting for you Make sure you log on asap and let us know how everything's going over there.

    RennySue I like them fighting words. Keep up the fight!

    Wise words once again from Ani. I agree with what you say about your body telling you what it needs. We've just got to learn to pay closer attention to what it's telling us.

    No exercise for me yesterday as I went to my parent's place for dinner. We had a roast chicken and I definitely indulged in one too many roast potatoes and a little more wine than I should allow myself but it was a good night and I don't think I went too overboard.

    Out for dinner again tonight so it's veggie soup for lunch to balance out the calories a bit.

  • i found a car and i bougt it lol i test drove it wednesday , raa checked it thursday and brought my baby home today lol

    its really nice it a 2001 Toyota Corolla Hatch its got 90,000 kms on the clock has nothing wrong with it ( apart from according to the raa a gromit was missing from the spare tyre and the front right trye needed replacing lol) and its LOVELY. I have never had a nice car before and this is a really nice car i got it for $10,990 including stamp duty and rego and half a tank of gas and 3 yuears warranty.. lol which was a really good price all the ones ive seen have been 13000 so i was really really happy .

    no more crappy blues car lol .. I got really mad at the blue spew today lol . Cameron was late to school yet agin because of the stupid Meteor lol. I spent 15 minutes trying to roll start the damn thing becuase the starter motor decided todaywas not a day it wants to work lol.. I am not going to miss driving that F#*^ing car i tell you lol ..
  • Yay Amy. Car looks great and its red... red ones go faster lol. But I would have talked rep into a FULL tank of fuel. Replace the tyre and get a wheel balance and alignment. The 3 years warrenty is good though. Don't mind me. I am the 'talker' in our family and my partners old boss being a car salesman we know they have room to move PLENTY of room.

    All aside. COngrats on the car. Looks like it is in really excellent condition.

  • vonni , i got both front tyres replaced lol the back ones were new and the front ones were ok but not new the right one being not ok according to the raa.. so .. i got them to change them both to new ones and balance them lol.. i thought i had written that but i hadn't lol . Thats why i had to wait all day for it yesturday .. and i got them to give it a polish too hahaha it was dusty.MEAN aren't
  • It's lovely Amy.

    I said goodbye to my boy/friend/whatever today. It was a bit sad!
  • oh dear Gen. lol though at what you call him. Oh dear not long now. Have a great flight.

    Amy good on you. i like to see girls who aren't scared of getting what they deserve.
  • I got my upgrades to business through, so the flights will be A-OK! See you on the other side, ladies!
  • Where did everybody go
  • maybe they are all making there way accross the country to wave to gen lol .. at her airport.

    I had a good day today food was fine and a good workout . :0 spoke to john on yhaoo.. and had a good laugh..
    they kids were good today..

    o anyway im gonna try this week to set some golsa to stick too . see if it will help.. as my weightloss is rather slow .. lol so trying something more structured may halp..

    Ok i want to go down from 1900-2000 to 1700-1800cl a day . drink more water.. do at least 30 mintues aerobic type exercise a day and walk to school at least once this week .. even with kids kicking and screaming lol . (which is why i say once..
    I plan to get in bed lights and telly out by 11.30 every night and by the end of the week 11 for lights out.. ect.
    My sleeping pattern is awall and im suffering becuase of it. not making the best choices or exercising as much as i should. so plan is to slowly build up more sleep . . so anyway its 11.24 so i better go to bed.. lmao night all
  • Travel safely Gen, looking forward to seeing you back here soon.

    Nice car Amy. It'll be great for you to get rid of the old dunger!

    I'm so glad that this week I have no special occasions! Last week I had dinner for my Aunt who was visiting from England, then dinner out with friends the next night and lunch out for my mum's birthday the following day. That = not even bothering to count points and the diet went way off track.

    So no outings this week which is great as it will give me a chance to really focus on things. My plan for the week is as follows:

    * Eat clean every day
    * Exercise every day

    Here's to a successful week for us all
  • i had a good sleep got to bed at 11.40 lol close enough and i pretty much went straight to sleep . .

    Lol kiwi sounds like you had a fun week diet doesnt have to ruin little celebrations in life . if we let it we wouldn't stick to the diet lol .. and in the long run letting yourself enjoy something every now and then will make us more successful. Like me yesturday lmao .. though i didnt realise how bad my lunch choice was till i typed it into calorie king after i had eaten it .... lol .. I had a ham and cheese crissant for lunch ... lol and i enjoyed every bite .... then i looked it up ......... 600 calories lol oops. i sepnt the afternoon laying on the couch tired which really helped with my 600cal lunch lol . and then the kids wanted hot dogs for dinner .. LMAO whcih were pretty good i buy the hans 97% fat free ones only 88 cals a sausage.. should have made them for lunch then had a proper dinner .. lol so my fruit and veg count yesterday = 0 lmao ... not good i know . Im kinda pissed with myself .. i will be good today ..
  • lol@Amys lunch. I know terrible isnt it when you type in and REALLY see what it's worth. I am horrified at Brumbys sausage rolls. This morning for brekky I am about to have (I know its 10.30) left over spaghetti bolognaise. So probably wont have a lunch so to speak. My spag I make is pretty healthy and I use the leanest possible mince also. I hide grated carrot and zucchini in it to. So there is my vege intake (a little of it).

    I weighed in this morning and even though my goal was to drop under 70 in 2 weeks, cause last week was up I didn't make it. BUT I have lost a kilo from last weeks weigh in. whoohooo so maybe last week was a dud weigh in lol. I'd like to think that anyhow hehehe.

    So now I have 600gm till I hit 69.9. I won't set it for only a week as I have been a bit slow lately, but definately by the 10th of March I want that last 600gm or so GONE from my life.
  • Woo hoo Vonni - that's a great result ! You go girl!

    I'm all over the place this week. Trying to settle into a new place, going for job interviews, and also trying to kick out the latest housemate - who is a pig!

    I had a second interview at Bunnings today - it's looking promising, but I'll know for sure by Thursday. Been eating too much crap this past week, and I need to stop that.

    So starting tomorrow my goals are:

    • Eat no more than 1600 cals/day;
    • Drink 2L of water/day;
    • Do 10,000 steps on my pedometer.

    We're in for a week of 38ºC days here in Perth. Really not impressed!

    Hope Gen checks in soon - I want to know how things are going with her. I know she's still somewhere in the sky right now, but I hope she has an awesome time once she gets there!

    I wonder how Kel's going with her 40 days of Lent .