Add me to the list of newbies!

  • Hello ladies! I'm new here and thought I'd join for some support and to keep me motivated!

    I'm 31, married, and have a 2 yr old son. I still haven't lost my baby weight. I have a pituitary tumor and it definitely affects my metabolism. It's my biggest obstacle. I started some really great metabolism boosting workouts and lost 9 lbs in 3 weeks. Now I just need to stay motivated to do them. Why can't we have more hours in the day?
  • Hey & getitoffme ^^ Congrats on the 9 lb loss!!!
  • Hello!!!

    Nice to have you here!!!
  • Hi and Welcome!

    Congratulations on the losses so far. Have you explored our "Dieting with Obstacles" forum? It might be a great place to talk about the challenges you face due to the pituitary tumor, even if no one else is in that particular situation...sometimes it is enough to talk to people who, for any variety of reasons, have physical barriers to losing weight (thyroid issues, etc).

    Can't wait to get to know you better.
  • Hi, and welcome