Hello fellow low-carbers! (WORDY: the story of how I came to be here)

  • I just wanted to introduce myself, seeing as I have begun sneaking around the hallways and listening in behind doors, soaking in the information and experiences in these forums. I have just begun a doctor-monitored low carb program on Saturday, and I'm feeling a little disoriented...

    You see, it all happened so fast. A few weeks ago, I visited my doctor and pleaded with her to help me figure out some way to get this weight off. My appetite had been far too huge for years, and was spiralling worse out of control lately, with massive food cravings in the afternoon and evening. Previously, I had been prescribed fat-blocking medication, but not only did it not help me lose weight, but the side effects were, ahem, unpleasant I think my story is probably pretty typical here - my own attempts and help from places like Weight Watchers were just not effective. Anyway, back to the doctor. She looked at my woebegone face, and muttered something about a referral to a doctor who might be able to help. I was so estactic I didn't ask what kind of doctor; I had this hazy idea I was being referred to a psychiatrist for some good drugs Well, when the referral finally came through last Friday, I arrived at the new doctor's office to discover it was a weight loss clinic.

    My first impression, I must say, was extreme disappointment and worry. I was concerned that I had been sent to some "gimmicky" shuckster who wanted to sell books and products. They took my measurements, weighed me, and when the doctor arrived we reviewed this info, including my bloodwork. I learned to my shock that, not only was my body composition WAY fattier than whipping cream, my triglycerides and blood pressure were unacceptably high. You see, I have been a vegetarian for two years, and figured that this WOE was some sort of magic shield against 'lifestyle-related' poor health (which may be true, if your idea of vegetarianism doesn't include giant bags of Doritos, wheelbarrows full of Caramilk bars, and stacks of buttered bread). The next shock was the program the doctor outlined - low carb, low fat, high fibre... as I looked over the menu items for the first two weeks 'induction', I gasped out loud. "Where's the tofu?" I managed to ask feebly. She sternly informed me that vegetarianism would be impossible on this plan, as tofu was not allowed at first and was restricted until maintenance phase, as were beans, nuts, etc. I left there frustrated and angry, determined to prove her wrong and find some way to manage this diet without eating meat.

    I stayed up all night researching on the internet and calculating diet plans, and I couldn't do it. I couldn't find a way to get the right amount of calories at the right levels of carb/protein/fat to achieve the induction phase, without meat. The choice was stick with my current vegetarian WOE and find some other way to lose weight, or make some big changes...

    My first piece of meat on Saturday morning was a tiny piece of pork loin sauteed in olive oil. It was not tasty and it made my stomach queasy and my heart hurt. I am determined that someday, when I have achieved maintenance phase, I will build a low-carb vegetarian lifestyle that is healthy for me. Until then, I will accept the help I have been offered and make the very best of it I can.

    So here I am, feeling somewhat spacey from lack of carbs, and somewhat unbelieving that I have lost 8lbs since Saturday morning without significant hunger. I'm looking forward, though, to my next appointment in a week and a half when hopefully I'll be able to add something appealing to this diet.

    Thanks for listening to my windy story - and thanks for creating such a fantastic place to hang out and learn and be comforted!

  • Welcome! I look forward to reading future posts-- you're a very entertaining writer!
    Good luck with your low-carb and CONGRATULATIONS on losing 8 lbs! WOW!!
  • Hi, RoseJasmine, welcome. I'm new too but the people are really nice on this forum.
  • Hi rosejasmine, Welcome! You've come to the right place! Congrats on your great loss so far. Your body will adjust to the lack of carbs and you'll start to feel great. Lots of great suppotive people here.