Re-introducing myself

  • Hey guys

    My name is K.D.
    I've been a member for a couple of years now, but I didn't post very often


    I am back. The last 2 years I have really been going back and for with my weight. I keep losing 10-25 lbs, and eventually gaining it back.
    I really want to buckle down and lose ALL OF IT for good, because I'm sure this can't be healthy.
    I want to reach my goal weight once and for all before I graduate!

    You guys are very inspiring and I think that if I post here more often, I will be more encouraged to keep my good habits for life!
  • Hey Eggers - You CAN do this. It takes a decision to commit fully & permanently. It means that when there's a mistake or when you reach your goal that you don't throw in the towel. These are permanent changes. And we're all here to support you to stick with them! Again, you CAN do this. Best of luck
  • Hey Eggers - Welcome Back!

    You know, I've found that posting here really does make a difference in terms of how well I stick to my plan. Maybe join one of the many accountability threads where you post your daily menu and exercise plan? Sometimes it is helpful just to know that there are people out there watching your progress and encouraging you to stay off track.

    You have to commit to do it, but once you do, it is absolutely worth it. So get back to posting! Can't wait to hear more from you soon.
  • faerie and mandalinn, thanks for the support!

    I think 3fc will help keep me accountable, because in the past if I slipped up, my friends didn't care! Heck, they even encouraged me (they are the type of people who don't have to worry about their weight!)

    I think that I may join an exercise accountability, because that is my biggest problem right now.