LA Weight Loss Testimonials - Do you love it? Tell us why :)

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  • If you are a current or former LA Weight Loss client and you have a positive experience to share, please do so here. This is only for those of you that have purchased the program and used their services. Sorry, this is not for anyone that followed the plan unofficially

    Please let us know how long you've been using LAWL, if you have had positive results. If you used any purchased LAWL products, please let us know if you feel they contributed to your positive experience.

    Please use just one post to publish your testimonial and only post in this thread if you are doing the above. In other words, this is not a Q&A thread

    This thread is to help others that are considering the plan to review true and unbiased testimonials.
  • LAWL worked for me!

    I signed up for a 6 week program and didn't get hooked into the contract weight loss that many people have. By doing that, I was able to control the amount of money that I wanted to spend and was not obligated to buy the products unless I wanted them.

    LAWL offers different programs, so I would definately look for some specials that they may be running and wait for them if you have to.

    I learned how to eat a balance diet and portion control. As long as I stick to what they taught me, I should not go back to the former over-weight-self. They taught me some tools to use for life. I have lost 30+ pounds and feel great!
  • I purchased my LA Weightloss plan just 10 months ago. It was one of the best decisions of my life. The plan is very nutritionally balanced and it has worked very well for me. This is not a cliché – I have tried almost every weight loss plan that I could find and I have spent thousands of dollars on other plans, but I would get to a certain point and stall. Then, I would give up, and of course, I would gain the weight back. Twelve years ago, I was under the care of a world renowned obesity doctor and I was prescribed diet drugs. Yes, I lost weight, but the drugs were recalled and I ended up with a heart ailment and a very small settlement from a class action suit. And, I gained the weight back again.

    At the end of last year, I was at my wit’s end. I had to try again. Despite some bad reviews of the LA Weight loss plan, I decided to go forward and try it. I wish that I had not delayed almost 2 years before I took that step. I have been working hard and following the program and I have met my initial goal to lose 50 lbs. In December of 2006, the thought that I could lose 50 lbs was almost unimaginable to me. I had tried and failed so many times before.
    I am a different person. I am healthier and my self esteem is getting stronger. I have learned that I do not have to reward myself with food treats.

    I decided to go beyond the initial goal of losing 50 lbs. I intend, with the help of this program to lose 65 lbs and to go through stabilization and maintenance and to keep the weight off. To date, I have lost 53 lbs and counting. Oh by the way, one last thing to let you know, I was 60 years old when I started this plan.

    I purchased the lites and I use them every day. I use the bars, the lite shakes and the lite drinks. For me, they are an important part of the plan and they help me to stay focused and to avoid temptations. I have not purchased any of the supplements.

    LAWL franchise center
    Plan 2 with lites
    Current weight Oct 31 – 146.6
  • This is definetely one of the best plans out there because if nothing else, it has taught me the best way to lose weight and maintain those losses.

    I joined this program with my wife and our counselors were very careful to explain the in's and out's of the plan and the costs associated with it. It's expensive, but we were at the end of our ropes, trying to lose weight by ourselves.

    We were treated as individuals with individual needs. While we started on the same plan, we quickly ended up on different plans suited for our rate of loss and our daily work and eating habits.

    While my weight loss was consistant, my wife struggled after a while. Our counselors went to great lengths to change her diet plans and analyse what she was eating on a daily basis. Unfortunately it's just a fact of life that everyone loses weight at different rates than others and that many times there are mitigating factors that can put up roadblocks as well.

    The most impressive thing about the program is how I didn't have to give up many of the foods I normally eat. I could still have beer and pizza and simply work them into my food choices. I didn't have to mess with prepackaged foods full of salt and preservatives. I learned how to eat healthy, in a way that I will be able to sustain for the rest of my life.
  • The thing that got me even cotemplating LAWL was the fact that I saw one of my mother's best friends drop 75 pounds (she's gone on to lose another 50) all while keeping up her normal lifestyle.

    I've struggled with disordered eating since I was a kid. Going to college and having to fend for myself got me to balloon up to a size 22 by the time I graduated. I dropped down to a size 14-16, but I still wasn't eating in a way that was healthy or nutritous. A 44oz Diet Coke and pop-tarts is far from a healthy breakfast. It wasn't about losing weight, it was about adopting an eating lifestyle that wasn't going to kill me by 50.

    I'll have started program a year ago this coming Tuesday, it was the best decison I have ever made for my physical well being. The 3 permanent counselors at COD all have lost massive weight on program, that too me was the biggest testament. When I was discouraged that I was beyond active and not losing on the scale, they got me on phone with another COD manager who went through the same thing. The advice, not pay attention the the scale, follow program, and let the tape measure be my monthly guidance, I was dropping 4-6 inches most month, I wasn't losing weight because I was building muscle.

    All in all I've only lost 16of the original 30 pounds I was aiming too. However, I chose to stabalize when I got to the point where the scale wasn't budging but I had dropped 24 inches between my waist, hips, chest, thighs, and arms. More importantly, I've learned to eat for health and energy, yes I rely on my coffee to get me to work at 5 every morning, but I've basically banned the sugar I used as a constant crutch from my life. Even better, I inherited my grandmothers curves, but it looks like I beat my destiny to have her flabby arms--I don't want to sound vain, but that alone made the money extremely well spent.
  • I love this program! I have struggled all my life with weight ... this program makes so much sense; it has taught me how to feel satisfied on a daily basis - not weekly.

    I love going to the COD three times a week, sitting with someone and knowing that I am understood! This is so helpful to me, the ladies are so encouraging and helpful.. love them!

    I love the lites ! I know they are expensive but so what? So is being overweight and having a closet full of expensive clothes that are tight and don't fit! the lites keep my sweet tooth happy and the lites keep me satisfied!

    I even like the supplemnts! I know vitamins are important (like Calcium) but I had trouble sticking to a routine of taking them until I started this I am on a vitamin schedule..

    I excercise more because I have the energy. On other diets I did not have the energy because I was hungry all the time...

    There is so much more, but lets just say that it is the best decision I have made and I wish I hadn't taken so long to join. I put it off for so long cause of the Money.... but something had to give. I did it and I am glad!

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • I love LAWL
    I'm on the take-off plan .... which I have a love hate relationship with. I was on the plan back in October and lost 7 lbs then kind of let the whole weight loss thing slide as I went through a career change. Now I'm back at it for the new year (cliche I know). LAWL made me re-pay for my weight loss weeks as they had expired but didn't force me to pay the whole fee up-front again! The girls at my location are super friendly and don't shove any new products down my throat. Every now and then they asked me if I've tried a new product and I politely decline and they say "oh that's fine - its my job to let you know about them." I eat my bars (mostly because I love the double chocolate ones - they're like desert to me and keep me from eating sweets around the clock and they more than satisfy my cravings). The two day take-off sucks only because its a very strict program but I always loose a pound or more afterwards and I only do it every 2 weeks. Small price to pay for real results. Since I've re-started the program I've lost 3.2 pounds in 1.5 weeks. Not bad if you ask me. I don't really ever feel hungry and its easy to make the foods at home and eat out. Nobody even notices that I'm on a diet . My only suggestion to people thinking about joining is to buy a food scale. My success is much greater this time around because I now measure everything instead of just guessing. It makes all the difference in the world. I would recommend this program to anyone. Although it is expensive I don't feel deprived and feel like I can stick to this much better than when I was on Weight Watchers.
  • This program is the BEST! It's a bit expensive, but that aspect actually kept me accountable and it was worth every penny! I echo all the positive things from the other posts. I lost 75pounds last year! If you're considering this plan, GO FOR IT! If you stick with the plan CONSISTENTLY and take advantage of the 1:1 counselling, you WILL lose weight!
  • I think besides quitting smoking, signing in to LAWL was the smartest thing I ever did. It has taught me many things about nutrition and feeling good about myself. I learned how to eat the right foods and the right portions. Everyone at the center is so nice and they are on the same programs we are. Everyone around me is having gastric bypass. For the ones that it worked for they lost the weight and still didnt eat right. Then there were the ones who didn't come out of surgery so lucky. They were never the same, nearly half dead, and struggling to even survive. I thought I would be fat forever because the surgery was not for me. LAWL gave me hope, encouragement and health. I am half way there and I can do it! So can you! Its not as expensive as surgery and health problems, or even trips to the conveince store.
  • For those who have had great success with LAWL, could you please let me know whether you were on the coloured plan or the numbered plan and if you felt there was a difference if you've done both? Thanks!

    I used to be on the gold (great success) and now I'm on the numbered 2 plan (less success).
  • I am currently in Maintenance. I started LA Oct 31st 2007. I have lost 40 lbs. I started at 205 and ended at 165. I would like to lose more but my time was up. I had an over all positive experience. I really like the plan and so far it has been fairly easy to maintain. I would recommend LA to anyone. It has a done sooo much for me. I hope it can help many others like my self.
  • It is a life changer for me
    I have only been with LA weight loss for 5 weeks - I went to them in tears. My husband says I am beautiful just the way I am - I have given birth to 4 children and wouldn't change it but I needed something for me now! It is amazing the way I feel - I started out at 160 lbs - and I am now down 15 in 5 weeks - I like the fact that my family is eating better and I am feeling and looking a little more like the me I once knew. I have high cholesterol and this is sure to be a shocker to my cardiologist this January when I go in losing 25 lbs when it took me 6 months to lose 10 and I gained it right back!

  • Can you tell me how you got your ticker on the bottom - thanks!

  • LA is the Best
    I started LAWL Dec of 2003 the week before Christmas, in 17 weeks I lost 48 lbs and never exercised. I stopped following and in the 4 1/2 yrs since I have only gained back 12 lbs, I am looking forward to starting back since I still have all my stuff, I was just wondering if the plans changed when they swithched to Pure Weightloss. I started on the purple and moved down to the gold. I am very sad that they closed. I know the 3 check ins a week was a big help for me.
  • I absolutely have had great success with LAWL and love to sing its praises. I started in March 2007 at 211 lbs and 5 ft 2. I was a size 16 almost 18 and was absolutely miserable. By September of 2007, I was down to about 154 lbs and a size 6. I learned so much about my body and how it react to food and best of all I have made lifetime changes. For the most part, I have maintained my weight loss although I do go up and down that 10 pounds. My center closed before I got to the maintenance stage but I keep a strict watch on what I eat. Right now I have decided to go back on it full force without the center which is difficult for me. I just placed my order with LA to your door so hopefully I can get it off.