Weight and Mothers

  • Why is it that whenever my mother comments upon my weight loss I feel the need to eat?!

    She has a way of being . . . well, mean but when I call her on it, she thinks she's being encouraging.

    Here's an example from last week when we were saying bye on the phone.

    My mom: " I love you. Lose about 20 more pounds and I'll love you more. Just kidding, honey. I love you."

    Tonight, she said she noted I had lost weight. Nothing more than that and yet I drove through Popeye's Chicken and had the skin of two chicken breasts.

    (Fortunately, I ate so well during the day that I still stayed under 1900 calories for the day.)
  • Hi Vanity, Sorry your mom is soo unkind in her compliments. Is she herself heavy? Maybe she's jealous? Try and stay strong!
  • Thank you!

    I visit all the time but rarely post. I like this forum!

    Nahh, she's just mean.

  • Hello Vanity,
    mothers are often like that. Always trying to be the ones right, always raising the children (although the kids may themselves be grandparents LOL)
    I am lucky my both my mom and MIL live on another continent so I don't get to talk to them or see them often.
    But even then in my head I still hear them!!!

    So - don't worry and try to ignore that. they just love to complain!
    i will keep my fingers crossed for your success!
  • sounds like my mom she once tried to pay a dollar for every pound I lost. But it just made me feel like crap when she would call and say how much do I owe you. If it was under 5 she was like oh well better luck next week. This is the same woman that taught me to clean my plate for the starving kids in africa. What I do now is not talk to her about my weight loss if she says something like it looks like you lost a few I say oh maybe I do not check that often. She leaves me alone then. Good luck.
  • I've got a mom like that too. It's hard. She lives far away and I know what she means when she asks me how I look now. She is definitely not referring to how I'm wearing my hair.

    Hugs. I feel your pain.
  • Hey...don't feel bad. All mothers are like that. Well, at least I know my mom is. I was very sick with Ulcerative Colitis through the summer while I was having a flare up. I lost 25 pounds and said, "hey mom...can you tell"? She said, "not really..maybe you could lose about 10 more and I might notice". I tried to stay away from the doctor or the hospital for the weeks hoping I could lose some more and maybe she would notice. Unfortuantely, I ended up in the hospital for 10 long days and on steriods and gained! My mom says now, "well, at least you are feeling better"! I know what she is saying in the back of her mind.
    So anyway, don't feel bad...I want to eat every time I get off the phone with her. ON the other hand...I want to lose weight so bad and have her actually say, "wow do you ever look good"
    Keep on trying!! Keep on smiling!
  • Vanity,
    I don't know if this is the case...but when I was growing up I was not overweight...at all...but I CONSTANTLY received 'mean' comments from family members about how to lose weight, what I would look like if I did, how I had such a 'pretty face' and so on...really, I was not overweight. I am 5'8" and at this time was probably in the 160-170'? I think they thought if the made me mad enough I would be motivated to lose weight. The funny thing is, now it is 20 years later, I am quite overweight and noone says a word. Except good old mom. sigh.

    I wish I was as fat as I/they thought I was back then.

    Best of luck to you...try just letting it bounce.