bmi mini goal, im proud of.

  • finally my bmi is under 30!! i know im not "clinically fit" by any means yet but it feel so good, im finally in the 20's!!
  • That must feel so good.

    The hard work does pay off.
  • Congratulations! Doesn't it feel good? My BMI just crossed over into the 20's this weekend, and I have not come down from my high yet. I love having these magical numbers to track my progress.

    Your numbers are so impressive! You must be thrilled. I know how much hard work it takes. Enjoy your number and your moment and look forward to all the ones to come.

    Way to go girl!!

  • Yay!! Congratulations.
  • That's a GREAT mini-goal! You are very close to being "normal" LOL.
  • That's wonderful! Good job!
  • Congratulations on your BMI going into the 20's that is a great mini goal to have reached. Enjoy your success you deserve it with all the demination and committment that is needed to change your eating habits.
  • That's great! It's so inspirational to read of other's progress when they've come from about the same place that I am now. It makes me believe it CAN be done regardless of what I've been told.
  • CONGRATULATIONS! That's awesome. You've come such a long way!
  • Congrats, PinUP. Anything leading towards "normal" is such a boost!
  • thank you all for the great support. i love this site.
  • Congrats! That is a big accomplishment!
  • Nice accomplishment!

    Amazing 110 lb. weight loss too!! Are you on a specific diet? Any tips that especially helped you? Good future luck :-)

    Love your Halloween bat ticker hee hee.