Has anyone tried Green Bags?

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  • The infomercial claims that it helps fruits and veggies last longer. If anyone has tried it please post here with your opinions os this product.
  • I ordered green bags from QVC a couple of years ago and they do as they claim. I buy salad mix in big bags from Sam's and Costco. There are only two in our home that eat salad so I empty it in a green bag and it lasts twice as long. They also works well with bananas. I recommend them.
  • I have them as well, and also think they work great for salad mix and bananas. I haven't had as much luck with some other things, but they are well worth it for the salad and bananas.

    I have a new case of strawberries, I think I'll put the bag to test today
  • I'm so excited you girls posted about this. I just saw the infomercial and was so eager to order them, but wanted to hear some real reviews first. No more wasted fruits and veggies!
  • Glad to find this thread. I've been thinking about getting some since I seem to be wasting some veggies recently. (Have to learn moderation when buying them I guess!)

    I'm going to purchase these Evert-Fresh bags from Reusablebags.com. I'll check back in with my results.
  • I bought some of the Debbie Meyers green bags a few weeks ago, and I can't brag enough about them. I buy tons of veggies.. and usually end up throwin most of them away. The bags do as they promise. I even still have some squash that should have definitely been nasty by now.. and it looks like I bought them yesterday!
  • I totally forgot to post after I bought these. They DO work, absolutely. I do find that the lettuce seems a little more "plastic-like" after I use them, though (if that makes any sense). It does change the texture somewhat, I think.
  • I have them and am actually having no luck with bananas I live in las vegas and I think it's just to hot even in the house with the air on. Do you leave the bag open or closed. I'm supposed to eat a banana a day and when I buy them they last 2 days?? Even in the bag even if I buy the bright green ones?
  • My bananas have lasted quite awhile. I fold the top of the bag down to close it, but I don't seal it. They say not to use twist ties or anything like that because they damage the bags.
  • We use some offbrand green bags my dad found at Dollar General. They are amazing! We have cut up celery in one of them, and it's been over a week, and it's still fresh. Normally it gets all brown and dried out. We use them for all our fruits and veggies now!
  • They seem to work very well with apples and grapefruits. My friend saw the bags at Walgreen's after I had purchased mine from the website! It seems like you pay almost as much in shipping as you do for the bags!

  • Bed, Bath, and Beyond carries all the various Debbie Meyer bags (green, bread, cheese, and cold cuts) online, and in some stores.

    Similar options you can also get (all avail. on amazon's site) are:
    • E.G.G. Ethylene Gas Guardian
    • ExtraLife Fruit and Veggie Keeper
    • Evert-Fresh Bags (like Debbie Meyer bags)

    I was thinking of checking out the EGG or the ExtraLife since it just sits in the veggie/fruit drawer and doesn't involve washing/reusing bags.
  • Quote: Glad to find this thread. I've been thinking about getting some since I seem to be wasting some veggies recently. (Have to learn moderation when buying them I guess!)

    I'm going to purchase these Evert-Fresh bags from Reusablebags.com. I'll check back in with my results.
    I've been using these for a few months now and love them. We belong to a local CSA, and I couldn't imagine getting the volume of fruit and veggies we get without being able to preserve them for 1-3 weeks depending on what it is.
  • I was real excited when I first bought these! But I find that I have to keep taking the veggies/fruit out to dry them off! I don't seal them, just fold down. My bananna never last more than 3 or 4 days. My skin on my apples seem to get tougher and the texture is not as appealing. Some things do ok, so I guess I am about 50/50. I also find having to wash them a bit ackward too.

    Can any sucessfull green bag users give me any tips?
  • If I know I'm not going to use it in a matter of 1-2 days (like a big bag of carrots) I always line the bag with a paper towel. It absorbs the "condensation".

    Items these work wonderfully on for me (so I buy in larger quantities) are spinach, lettuce, green onions, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, green beans, carrots, zucchini and other squashes, herbs, cucumber... So obviously, I use them more for veggies than fruit. We seem to go through fruit faster so I often don't even use the green bags for them. One thing I'd like to try them on is raspberries or blackberries. I usually freeze them, but if they'd last fresh for 2 weeks that'd be great.