Ab Lounge?!?

  • So I'm thinking of getting something to really focus on the tummy area during my weight loss journey and I was wondering if the ab lounge is as good as they make it out to be?
  • I have used it only once, as I am over the weight limit and won't get on it until I am down another 20 pounds. I didn't know about the weight restriction (250 pounds maximum weight) until after I used it, which is a bummer, as I felt it working immediately, LOL.

    We bought it for my youngest daughter's birthday in June (she begged us for it), and I really didn't think it would work that well. To my surprise, all of my kids stomachs have come WAY down- my son has almost rock solid abs now, and he still has about another 10-12 pounds to lose. Both of my daughter's stomachs are looking wonderful and are disappearing a little more every week. They absolutely LOVE the Ab Lounger.

    My best friend's daughter is up with us for the rest of the summer, and she's been using it this week (every other day) as well. She says she feels it working when she's on it and had some soreness afterwards. Her pants are becoming a little lose around her stomach area, which is a huge problem spot for her, and she's only been using the lounger for 3 days this week so far.

    I can't wait to use it again myself. Hopefully, it will help my stomach go down a bit, as that is a huge problem area for myself as well.
  • Yeah I myself am aware of the weight limit, but I keep finding some rather cheap on ebay. I figure I'll go ahead and purchase one for future use if it really works. When I do crunches I often pull to much on my neck, but I can do a good many my neck just ends up all sore and it bugs me. Blargh! Thank you for your input!!