My plateau is over!

  • Thank you for all of your help, I finally broke 250 for the first time in 5 weeks!

    I have to run, going to breakfast with friends. Fruit and oatmeal please.

    I have to use one of the tickers here, I can't change the weight easily.

    Thanks again!
  • WTG HocusPocus! Plateaus are HARD - you are doing great!

    I just spent a weekend completely indulging..champagne, caviar, champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, more you think champagne could be considered a whole food? For the record, DH and I were away sans enfants for an anniversary celebration; this is so NOT the way I live every weekend!

    I'm real happy for you, HP, and I am looking forward to getting back OP myself....
  • Katy it was a weekend like that, that broke my plateau!
  • Well, we gotta do what we gotta do or should it be
  • Since we are in it for the long haul this time, not just a month or two, we can have some fun!

    I wish I could knit, left handed, could never learn. I have buying fish tanks to keep me busy, I am up to 3. My family is not pleased. lol Knitting is safer!
  • congrats on being under 250 HocusPocus.
  • Congrats, thats fab.
  • Thanks! I am so afraid that it may happen again.