
  • Hi! I'm Anne, married to Bruce for almost 19 years (been together 24 years) and Mama to Conner age 3 and Gabrielle age 16 1/2 months. My post pregnancy starting weight was 229 and as of this week I am at 193. My goal is 125. However, we would like to have one more baby, so I doubt I make goal before I get pregnant again. But thats okay. The more I have off the better. Looking at TTCing starting this summer.

    Oh and we live in Bozeman, MT and have a beautiful Siamese cat named Beethoven.

    Prevously I have been succssful at WW. But I just can't go back to counting Points EVER again. I did Core and that was okay, but something was missing and I'm trying to figure that out. But I think Whole Foods Lifestyle is very close to it.

    That being said, my cholesterol levels are alarming. Luckily I do not have Diabetes. My Doctor wants to re-test me in 6 months.

    Any help with getting back on track would be appreciated. Also, any other older Moms of very young children here?
  • Hi Anne, welcome to 3FC!

    I think several WW Core members have crossed over to a more general Whole Foods lifestyle. It's great on it's own, or incorporated into any diet plan.

    Planning another child is such great source of motivation! We hope you'll stick around for a long time
  • They have a reccomendation around this group for the superfoods rx book and I started reading it, LOVE it. He goes into all the best nutritional foods to eat and lists alot that help lower cholesterol. I am also very high in my cholesterol (I am 32) and didn't even eat that badly before, I am hoping to lower it thru whole foods eating and concentrating on those superfoods. In a few months I will probably have it rechecked to see what kind of diff it made.
  • Welcome Mals!!

    I actually came over from WW Core as well. I just decided after doing that for awhile that I would do my own thing and that is where the whole foods came in. I just eat food as close to its natural state as possible and plenty of fruits and veggies with a side of protein! I also try to eat no refined sugar and only 1 serving of bread a day.
  • Welcome!
    My food plan is similar to phoebegirl's. I keep a food diary, because, even with whole foods, I over-consume and really have to keep a lid on it.

    I turn 42 today (HB2 moi, lol) and I have a 10 y/o and a 5 y/o. I definitely felt a bit on the older side when I went to my DD's kindy round-up and I was 10-15 years older than some of the other moms. I have been w/DH for 21 years. I can probably relate to some of what you feel...hearing an OBGYN "diagnose" you with "advanced maternal age" can take the starch out of one's sails - hey - that's not ME they're talking about, right?

    Anyway - welcome-glad you're here!
  • Quote: Welcome!
    My food plan is similar to phoebegirl's. I keep a food diary, because, even with whole foods, I over-consume and really have to keep a lid on it.

    I turn 42 today (HB2 moi, lol) and I have a 10 y/o and a 5 y/o. I definitely felt a bit on the older side when I went to my DD's kindy round-up and I was 10-15 years older than some of the other moms. I have been w/DH for 21 years. I can probably relate to some of what you feel...hearing an OBGYN "diagnose" you with "advanced maternal age" can take the starch out of one's sails - hey - that's not ME they're talking about, right?

    Anyway - welcome-glad you're here!
    When I told my OB/GYN earlier this year we wanted another baby, she said "Go for it!" I am a little scared because my daughter (baby#2) was born with Special Needs. So I know we have a greater chance because of age and because of already having a SN chld. So we have to keep this in mind.

    I also feel weird on some of the baby boards since I am old enough to be some of these girls Moms. Pretty weird.