Recovery can be exhausting!

  • What a day...
    • Entrusting my kid to God's care as I dropped her off for day camp
    • Going for a 3 mile walk to strengthen my body
    • Going to a noon OA meeting
    • Seeing my therapist for the first time in 7 months
    • Meeting with a friend to talk about the session
    • Picking my kid up from camp and finding her in tears because she lost her special toy...and trying to soothe her sad feelings while looking everywhere for it
    • Going to a knitting class to further my goals of finding things that I like to do that don't involve eating or drinking...and finding out the class was cancelled.

    My God I'm tired. Yes, these were all things that further my recovery, but right now I'm too tired to feel fullfilled. I think that I need to slow down-- perhaps schedule less each day eh?

    I miss my sponsor. She's on vacation, and I'm only contacting her through email. It's not the same. I miss her voice.
  • You did all that in one day?! Awesome list of things to do for recovery but slow down girl! A therapy session alone is probably draining; hope it went well. And hope you found the toy

  • Marne - WOW. That is a lot for one day. And quite a bit of that is hard, and so emotionally draining. You are taking care of yourself - but THAT can be hard and requires even MORE taking care of yourself (if you follow that!). Well, hopefully you can relax some this weekend!