21 Days to Beat a Rut ... Day 5

  • Since I've found daily and/or meal planning threads and so on very encouraging let's try this. 21 days. Set you own parameters. I'm not even setting a goal. I just need to kick things up a bit. Stir up some enthusiasm.

    There's no good reason for me to have an off plan day in 3 measly weeks. Is there?
    Here's my general plan ...1400 cals of superfoods with 150 gms of protein (on average), some jogging in each daily walk and a four day weight lifting split with heavier weights.

    Anybody in? It's only three weeks. Who knows what kind of new habits we can form!

    And it doesn't matter if you're a day or 2 or 7 behind just find the thread for day 21
    and begin. There will always be a link to the next day, so that you can progress along with everyone else.
  • I dunno about today. I've got to make sandwiches for a funeral at our church, get better lookin' and get to that funeral. I'd like to get at some housework around here because I've got stuff I'd rather do tomorrow ...

    So I'll walk to do all those errands and maybe get at the serious exercise (legs) this evening.

    In the mean time I should have a fruit and whey shake on the go, but I don't yet. And it'll be chicken for dinner.
  • I forgot that I have to fast for blood work in the morning! The gathering after the funeral ran quite late and supper is just now cooking. I soo wish I'd eaten more earlier. I'll be starving.
  • I really messed up this day. Poor planning.
    Around 900 cal with only 69 gms of protein.
    And I walked and walked and walked ... I ran back and forth to the church three times! But I did not do legs.
  • I'm still with ya! I've been about 50% with my plan