21 Days to Beat a Rut ... Day 8

  • Since I've found daily and/or meal planning threads and so on very encouraging let's try this. 21 days. Set you own parameters. I'm not even setting a goal. I just need to kick things up a bit. Stir up some enthusiasm.

    There's no good reason for me to have an off plan day in 3 measly weeks. Is there?
    Here's my general plan ...1400 cals of superfoods with 150 gms of protein (on average), some jogging in each daily walk and a four day weight lifting split with heavier weights.

    Anybody in? It's only three weeks. Who knows what kind of new habits we can form!

    And it doesn't matter if you're a day or 2 or 7 behind just find the thread for day 21
    and begin. There will always be a link to the next day, so that you can progress along with everyone else.
  • My house is going to be a hub-bub this afternoon so I'll have to watch the nervous munchies. Maybe someone will go for a walk with me. Hopefully, when all is said and done, I'll be able to do a nice relaxing chest and triceps later.

    My shake will be chocolate very soon.
    My lunch is the same as yesterday and we should have salmon for supper.
  • I'm doing 21 days of exercising 3 times a week, drinking 64+ ounces of water a day, and sticking to my basic meal plan.

    B: raisin bran w/1% milk, coffee w/1% milk
    L: not sure yet, probably a good-sized salad
    D: Greek dinner at my sister's house - Mother's Day Dinner - crackers, not low-fat dip, vegetables, chips, salsa - salad, wine, stuffed peppers, potatoes - low-fat ice cream w/strawberries and chocolate sauce

    E: Nothing
    W: 64 oz (including plain iced tea)
  • Here's my assessment of the first two weeks of my challenge.

    My average calories per day is 1532 with 114 gm of protein. I'm only having about 5/14 Superfoods per day.
    I have walk/jogged 8 days and/or just walked 8 days.
    I have done two complete sets of a four day lifting split.

    I have lost 1.1 lbs.

    Over calories. Under protein. Under jogged. The lifting sessions were probably under-intense and definitely too short.

    As always, my first thought is what 'mighta been' ... however ... that's not too shabby at this point in my journey. A half pound a week is just fine.
    I coulda done better. I coulda done worse.

    Have I ingrained new habits? I don't think so. Am I more mindful of what must happen if I am to have what I want? Yes. Another week? Sure.
  • Here's the link to the next day