30 Something Chat Tuesday May 8

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  • Hanna: Oh my gosh your family is just beautiful! LOVE the jedi pic!!!! Melinda
  • hey just a quick note...i'll post more later have a room ready for me. But FYI....the freaking place got the wrong unit. LOL...its good...but also very frustrating. Good since it means our unit had its lock on it...and nothing was stolen...but bad since it took us almost all day to get someone to answer the phone. Oh well. WEll hey everyone else..i'll catch up later...but for now..got to run..have a client waiting.
  • GG I am so glad it was just a mistake, sorry you had to find out a day after receiving the letter, how frustrating.

  • hmm here is what I think about all of this..........

    We all should do a cruise in a year just plan for it. Man that would be fun!

    It is funny when you read everyone's daily stories it makes you feel like your not in this alone.

    Everything could be worse. Amazing what some positive thinking can do.

    Don't get used to these type of posts they won't happen often.
  • To everyone

    Haven't been posting much lately as I have been really depressed and feel like most of you do; I just don't want to bring everyone down with my issues. I have been eating fast food every dang day to soothe my soul. It is not working. What a surprise!!??? When will I learn that food is not the answer? for me.

    My uncle had to have another surgery this AM. 3rd one in 3 weeks. I am just praying for him to recover. Every time he seems to be well enough to go home....blamo.

    And I've been soooooo tired lately. Hmmm...crappy food = tired. I was so tired yesterday that I had to go out to the store to get batteries. I got out of my truck at the store and noticed I still had my slippers on. At least they look like shoes if you didn't know. And at least I was dressed!!

    Today, I actually went to the grocery store and bought real food to make dinner. Pretty good. I was kind of inspired when I put on this pair of shorts from last year that were kinda tight and now they are a bit loose. The scale still shows the same, but my clothes say different. Who knows.

    GG - glad your stuff is safe. What a mess. Sorry about the house, it is so stressful and especially with work being stressful. extra for you.

    Rx - As was said before - you do not suck. You are a caring, loving man who just has some rough patches. I am proud that you are still walking and getting out on the weekends now! Good for you.

    707 - That looks painful, but I'm sorry, I did laugh a bit. Reminds me of my clumsy 'ol self. I once put my hand full on a stove burner to see if it was still hot (I was 27 years old). Why, why, why? I had sear marks (like a burger) for a long time. At least you have the excuse of it being dark! Hope it heals up well. And it really doesn't look TOO bad.

    Joan - what did you decide about the meds?

    MJ -it's ok to be down in the dumps. You still always come through like a light beacon here. I really appreciate and look forward to your posts. You always make me smile. ANd that's not easy to do for the Queen of Pessimism!

    Well, all....it is time to make dinner. I am starving. I haven't eaten since I got up (at 1:30pm how lazy am I?)
  • Oh...forgot to say....I had a choice today at the mall. Escalator or stairs. I chose the stairs Yea me!! Little itsy bitsy baby steps

  • Hi All,

    Kerri, Yay on the stairs! What's up with your Uncle?

    GG, glad it wasn't your unit!

    Hanna, LOVE the pics!

    Melinda, Have you tried Matchmaker.com? That's how DH & I met! Expand your horizons...next county over maybe?!

    Michelle, OUCH!! Sorry girl, hope you're feeling better!

    Hi to everyone else!

    Phone interview went well, she scheduled an in person for Thursday at 9:30am! They like me, but they want to make sure I know it's only temp....that's right, a phone interview and in person interview for a friggin' temp job! It's only 3 months, could extend to up to 6 months. I told them that 3 months is fine, 6 months is a little long for temp, for me, but as long as it was still the same project, I'm fine with it. The company is very non-comittal, not sure I'd wanna work perm for them, KWIM? But, if I'm gonna be a homeowner, I need to take what I can get.

    Things are looking up in the housing department. DH talked to FIL today and he likes the house. DH said, "well, we just need to figure out how to afford it now" and FIL said, "You & I will talk about it when it comes up". In other words, get approved for a mortgage, make an offer, and then we'll talk. **bangs head** Is it just me that thinks this is bass ackwards?
