Decadent 70 calorie snack

  • Yummy. Get some of the Athens filo shells (35 calories for two), bake them so they're crispy, and keep in an airtight container.

    When you want a snack: divide one of those light Laughing cow wedges (35 calories) between the two filo shells.

    Crunchy, creamy, yummy! I'm also experimenting with chocolate tofu pie in the shells, for a Health and Wellness fair my church is putting on. Haven't figured out the calories yet.
  • What a neat idea! That sounds like fun. I've never bought the shells before, but now you're giving me ideas
  • Whole Foods sells a whole wheat phyllo dough, I have been meaning to try it!! I don't think it's individual cups, but I could cut it, stuff it with roasted veggies, a little cheese and make something yummy, I'm sure.
  • Oh glory, that sounds so good....
  • another delicous thing to do w/ filo is put a dollap of salsa or jam and bake-we served them at a "after work" party once as a last minute throw together and people loved them!
  • hungry girl had them on today with a dollop of
    sf/ff choclate pudding and cool whip. yummmy!
  • Hi!
    I just tried a new fudge bar by Absolutely Free. It is chocolate with a fudge swirl. No fat and only 80 cals! The bar is pretty big too! It is good. Really fudgy and creamy. The box says Absolutely Free Gourmet Ice Cream. Perfect for an ice cream chocolate craving!
    Just thought I'd share,
  • Quote: Whole Foods sells a whole wheat phyllo dough, I have been meaning to try it!! I don't think it's individual cups, but I could cut it, stuff it with roasted veggies, a little cheese and make something yummy, I'm sure.
    YUM!! I think I might have to try this this weekend - maybe with roasted eggplant, zucchini, red bell peppers, mushrooms, onions and a little feta. Maybe with a balsamic reduction over the top?
  • Okay, clue me in...what's phyllo? (I know I could easily Google it, but people here give me more realistic answers and ideas rather than just a technical description )
  • Wonder if you could fill them with an egg / egg beaters and veggie mixture and bake them like a quiche or chicken and salsa, cheese mmmmm mmmmmmmm great idea's.

    Jill phyllo is a thin tissue paper type of dough you use for pastries... you can buy in the store (frozen section I think).
