Is there an adult Tommy Tippy type cup?

  • My boss is blind and sometimes knocks over his cup. We have to clean off his desk and dry paperwork when this happens.

    I got to thinking today about a Tommy Tippy cup. However, it is juvenile. Is there an adult version?

    I would like to find something that wouldn't embarass him and would be easy to clean.

    Do you know of such a thing?
  • mare, have you considered an insulated type travel mug with a lid? I know my mom uses one that has a lid that slides shut when not being used. I'm not sure of the brand but it looks like something Rubbermaid would make.

    If you check online, you can also find adult sippy cups made for people w/tremors or arthritis, basically those with poor grip. I found this one at (double handled mug w/lid)
  • I don't know many of them that are spill proof like the ones for kiddos are, but I was also going to say an insulated mug with a lid. My dad is forever spilling everything, but his mugs seem to work far better than anything else ever did.