And there goes another pound!

  • So, what with today being Friday, I had to weigh in this morning when I got up. And I've lost one more poun, bringing me to 205. ^^ I'm actually a little bit dissapointed, but that's just because I wanna see the numbers drop more than just one every. Single. Week. I know progress is progress, but when it's slow I feel like I'm not really getting anywhere. I've been losing one pound every week for the pas few weeks... It's just kind of lame. Can't I have one week with more than one pound gone? I'm sorry, I'm complaining. I am still happy to have lost the one pound, I've just been feeling very blah about my diet the past few days. I'll bounce back to being happy with losing just a pound... Hopefully.

  • WTG!! A pound is a pound!!! I'd take it, I hate slow weeks too, but At least it wasn't a gain!! Just think maybe next week you'll have a big loss and completely forget about the few slow weeks you've been having!! Keep up it up and you'll do great!!
  • I think it's great. Just like akacutie2006 said, a pound is a pound. Way to go!!!